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Joined 02-05-09, id: 1828620, Profile Updated: 11-19-09
Author has written 8 stories for Twilight.

So, my name is Alex, i'm a 13 year old teenager, who miracously stumbled upon this website, and it has seriously been my saving grace. Its a way for me to unleash all of my bottled up emotions with out hurting any lamps :) I won't bore you with useless information about me, i'll just tell ya the important stuff.

I'm a teenager, in some of the best and worst times of my life. My life is never calm, so I may probably dissapear from fanfiction for days at a time. Trust me guys, if it were up to me, I would get rid of the drama in my life. But is not. :( Fanfiction and my novel are what get me through some rough days.

I'm a girl, and I have several guy friends. Not boyfriends, guy friends. There is a difference. Some poeple just can't seem to accept the fact that you can be friends with guys, and not be dating them. It makes me mad.

Several things drive me mad, actually. One is when I try to update, and I get the message that fanfiction is down at the moment, and please come back later. Grrh.

Another thing is when I try to read a story, and all the dialogue is in the same paragraph, and you can't tell who is speaking. If you can't tell whats going on in the story, you can't read it. Grrh again.

And I hate it when my stupid computer teacher is totally unjust. He won't give us details of the assignment unitl AFTER we have turned it in. So like we all turn in a paper, and he goes "Oh, and by the way, you were suppose to double space it. You lose 20 points if you don't" And I'm all like now you tell us. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh!

So I'm probably boring you to death with all this useless information about me and my 'grrrrh'ing, so feel free to scroll to the end and just read my stories.

Rants: I'm a big ranter (if thats a word) there are several things in this world that drive me insane. One of them is reviews. or more of people not reviewing. Ok, so most, not all, fanfiction writers put there stuff up here on fanfic for you. If they take the time to write out all that stuff, surely you could spare a few seconds and push that review button. Seriously.

Ok so I would like to appologize to several people. The other day, I went around fanfiction and asked a bunch of people to read my story, God's Personal Joke. I'm so sorry if I wasted your time. I'm not completely sure what made me think that was a good idea, but I know it wasn't. Again, I'm sorry, and I wont do that again. I want to gain readers because they like my work, not because I practically begged them to. Sorry.

If you want to read one of my stories, I suggest God's Personal Joke. It is by far my favorite, and best written story yet. I have put so many hours into perfecting that plotline. And yes, I'm asking you to review it too. Tell me what you think please!

Also, I took down several of my stories. I have been on fanfiction for almost a year now, and my writing has grown leaps and bounds. The stories I started out were crap. Basically, I jumped in with no idea where the story was going, and I had no plot line. I was new to fanfiction, and I really didn't know how to write very well. So, after careful consideration, I took them down. I want my work on here to be something that you will want to read, and I don't want you to form an opinion of me because of those stories.

Yes, I kept TLWFY up because it was finished. I'm considering a sequel, but now I'm just going to focus on editing it because it has many mistakes. I reached over 50 reviews on that story, and all time high so far. I know its crap, and I'm not denying it. :)


Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

100 Years Later by BurningSky reviews
Edward left Bella in the forest, with Pneumonia settling in, and nobody to save her except a small coven of two traveling Vampire, Bella becomes a Vampire herself. But what happens 100 Years later when she meets the Cullens ... Rated T just in case
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 22 - Words: 51,920 - Reviews: 371 - Favs: 263 - Follows: 145 - Updated: 2/2/2014 - Published: 1/26/2009 - Complete
Nine Months of New Life by Edwardslover304 reviews
Bella's parents divorced when she was 16. Charlie remarried to Cassandra. cassandra has a son his name is Stephan. Stephan rapes and beats Bella every month. So when the smallest mistake is made will Edward come through for Bella or will he stay away.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 9 - Words: 5,644 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 9/9/2011 - Published: 4/1/2008
Daughter of Aro by Mrs Cullen for Life reviews
Bella is the daughter of Aro. she lives in Volterra with her Dad and uncles, Caius and Marcus. Then at a gathering she meets the Cullen's but one in particular, Edward. Will love blossom for Edward and Bella under the watchful eye of Aro? R & R Please!
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 52 - Words: 86,377 - Reviews: 2130 - Favs: 1,630 - Follows: 777 - Updated: 2/17/2010 - Published: 9/9/2008 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Pictures by PicturesTrilogy reviews
Sometimes its not a matter of who you love, but how much you love them. He's gone. Now its just a matter of how far I will go to get back the one thing that mattered all along. A picture is worth a thousand words. His picture is worth a million.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,123 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Updated: 2/7/2010 - Published: 2/5/2010
Phone Calls by Rock'n'Slash reviews
8 yr. after BD. Just random hiliarious phone calls between Edward&Jacob, Bella&Nessie, and Emmett&Jasper. Included: u-arent-good-enough-4-my-daughter-ness, all-men-are-idiots-ness, & lets-reek-havic-on-the-poor-pathetic-humans-ness. Some lauguage.MWHAHA!
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 71 - Words: 36,725 - Reviews: 1867 - Favs: 519 - Follows: 300 - Updated: 11/14/2009 - Published: 9/15/2008
Unread Messages by xxsparklesnick reviews
Sequel to You Got Love! If Isabella Swan thought last year was crazy, she's about to be surprised. With Alice's baby on the way, a wayward best friend, visiting cousins and a boyfriend who seems determined to get a ring on her finger, what's a girl to do?
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 13 - Words: 38,095 - Reviews: 1808 - Favs: 896 - Follows: 1,274 - Updated: 8/10/2009 - Published: 8/28/2008
Silent Song by Cocoa987 reviews
Her name is Catherine. She's just a scared little girl." The Cullens adopt expecting another family member. Catherine is looking for a place to feel safe. Both quickly realize that all is not what it seems. Post Breaking Dawn.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 26 - Words: 54,796 - Reviews: 243 - Favs: 85 - Follows: 75 - Updated: 8/3/2009 - Published: 7/28/2008 - Complete
Pain by plusquemoi reviews
Iggy is not alone and yet still feels lonely. Sitting in his dogcage after his operation, surrounded by his flock, he thinks over his life and what he will become. Will the pain ever end?
Maximum Ride - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 978 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 2 - Published: 7/6/2009 - Iggy - Complete
The Dare by SneezesthatPleases reviews
The family makes the mistake of playing Truth or Dare.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 977 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 20 - Published: 5/30/2009
Changing Places by kimlovesjasperhale reviews
a Bella and Jasper story.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 31 - Words: 42,467 - Reviews: 1159 - Favs: 646 - Follows: 714 - Updated: 4/18/2009 - Published: 11/27/2007 - Bella, Jasper
Drabbles for Bella by Musings of a Shaken Mind reviews
I may be crazy, and I may be stupid, but I've decided to do a series of drabbles, one for each day that Edward is away from Bella in New Moon. Brace yourselves... 'T', for angst. NOW COMPLETE. FINALLY!
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Angst/Supernatural - Chapters: 198 - Words: 42,554 - Reviews: 2252 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 77 - Updated: 3/27/2009 - Published: 9/7/2008 - Bella - Complete
When Fiction Becomes Reality by Bella-of-the-Ball reviews
Bella is a writer whose most successful book is one she wrote about Edward, her high school crush. Edward is now an A-list actor and has signed on to star in a movie based on Bella’s creation. Will Edward make fiction a reality for Bella? All human
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 34,010 - Reviews: 895 - Favs: 622 - Follows: 654 - Updated: 12/9/2008 - Published: 5/3/2008
Growing Pains by xxsparklesnick reviews
She promised herself that she would not wait for him like a love-struck housewife. She would never love him again. In the end, though, it was not her choice. Love is not true or real or fake or black and white. Love is not easy. Love, simply, just is.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,061 - Reviews: 97 - Favs: 88 - Follows: 37 - Published: 11/27/2008 - Complete
That Damn, Sexy Crooked Smile by Fall Down Again Bella reviews
Bella, an old, married woman, remembers her first love, the man she would never forget. Heart-breaking, but a happy ending, or at least I think so. AU AH one-shot. Bella/Edward
Twilight - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,649 - Reviews: 556 - Favs: 764 - Follows: 136 - Published: 11/8/2008 - Bella, Edward - Complete
You Got Love! by xxsparklesnick reviews
Isabella Swan has been crushing on her best friend's brother, Edward Cullen, for a while and at the same time she can't stand him. Her online friend has been there for her through it all, but what happens when his identity is revealed? All Human, ExB
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 22 - Words: 64,288 - Reviews: 1921 - Favs: 1,901 - Follows: 712 - Updated: 8/28/2008 - Published: 7/1/2008 - Complete
Saving Grace by The Duchessina reviews
AU. Bella Swan found the things Edward left for her in New Moon. When she goes in search of him, she may find much more than what she bargained for. Bella/Edward. UNFINISHED.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 9 - Words: 11,125 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 52 - Updated: 8/14/2008 - Published: 7/7/2008 - Bella, Edward
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Saving Grace reviews
Bella and Edward were best friends growing up. But when Edward dissapears one day, leaving Bella to suffer, its a fight to the end for Bella. What happened to him? Where did he go? She is in for a suprise . . . R&R BxE
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,893 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 7/21/2010 - Published: 8/22/2009 - Edward, Bella
IMing with twilight reviews
twilight goes digital!everybody gets a IM account. What will happen? read and find out. rated T just in case
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 2,853 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 7/2/2010 - Published: 3/19/2009
Collab reviews
Anyone up for a collab?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 243 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 6/30/2010
True love will find you reviews
What if Bella jumped, but Alice never told Edward of her vision? Can Jacob continue repairng Bella or will love get in the way. Rated T just in case. BxJ. Review! Completed. Warning: Lots of mistakes. Editing later and possible sequel.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 16,653 - Reviews: 65 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 21 - Updated: 2/13/2010 - Published: 5/3/2009 - Bella, Jacob - Complete
God's Personal Joke reviews
Hi you've reached God's personal joke. I'm out making a fool of myself right now, but if you leave your name and number after the beep, I'll get back to you later. Beep. AH, BxE, EmxR, CxE, JxA, R&R!
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 8 - Words: 10,519 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 2/13/2010 - Published: 8/7/2009 - Bella, Edward
Stand in the Rain reviews
Songfic oneshot. Bella hears her "life song" and so many memories come rushing back to her. Semi-sad. Review!
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,316 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 9/1/2009 - Bella - Complete
My Baby Sister reviews
Short little oneshot written in Emmett's POV. Show me some love and REVIEW!
Twilight - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 644 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 2 - Published: 8/14/2009 - Emmett, Bella - Complete
Gameboy reviews
Random one shot. Emmetts gameboy broke and now its a race to walmart against a old grandmother to get it. Can he beat her? And what will he do when he realizes he has no money? R & R!
Twilight - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 453 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 5/30/2009 - Emmett - Complete