Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Hi! I know there is really no point in me writing this since no-one really reads them, but I'm sad, so I am.Ummmmmm I go 2 school with Lady Wild Rose(READ HER STORIES) and blue bell of mindelan and MIAKODA (READ HER STORIES TOO!) drowning rooster, and starfire (YEAH, I THINK YOU CAN GUESS IT) and loads of others who i don't know there pennames,-which is kind of rude but... *cough cough* - NEway. I guess ther isn't much else that I want the world to know, apart from the fact that I get the hiccups, like, four times a day, which is REALLY annoying, trust me (and if you don't believe, starfire, L. wild rose, bluebell of mindelan and drowning rooster will verify this 4 u!) BTW, Lily/James stories ROCK!! Errr... yep. Errrrrrrrrrr... I guess I'm not a very interesting person huh? oh well. Bye p.s. Theres a story to my pen name, by the way, and when I get a chapter typed up, if you ask, I'll tell u! It's funny! p.p.s Pleassssssssssssse review my story(stories, poss.). I've worked hard on writing it(them, poss.) and no-one's reviewing them!!! OMG, are they *that* bad? I don't even mind flamers, so long as I get REVIEWS!!! pwetty pwease? p.p.p.s I am putting a disclaimer on my bio, cause I always 4get to put it on my stories. This disclaimer applies to all of my fanfiction. I don't own anything apart from that which is mine. |