![]() Author has written 1 story for Soul Eater. Welcome To Our Profile We are Evanescences Angel and Shounen-Ai combine! Buwahahaha! :D You came to right place. After many arguments and treaties, we together decided to make fanfics together~! You may call us Angel and Kiku! If you're looking for Shounen-Ai: http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/1181419/Shounen-Ai If you're looking for Evanescences Angel: http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/1046434/Evanescences_Angel Kiku: Don't read her stories. Read mine... Angel: I hate you! T-T Angel's Comments: 'Elloooo!! Nice to meetcha. If ya looking for my stories just head to my profile. I'm currently working on my stories on my account so I won't be able to do anything on this account for a while! But don't worry, I'll be back sooon enough! Kiku's Comments: Hmph Rants by Kiku: NaruHina sucks. All NaruHina haters, please come and help me rid the world of this nuisance. SasuNaru AND NaruSasu are the best couples in Naruto. No one can deny their feelings. One big hint is that Sasuke actually remebered the taste of Naruto from their accidental kiss. No boy would ever try and remember that and be so calm. We all no Sasuke can't be calm all the time. He's not Gaara. So, I truely believe that Sasuke is in love with Naruto and vice versa. I know this isn't really a good reason to say that NaruSasu and SasuNaru is a good couple. If I had more time and more effort. I'd write at least a full four page essay on the couple(s). -Kiku Rants by Angel: Have you ever wonder why people liked certain couples? I mean, sometimes people even like couple they really wouldn't be possoble in an anime! I mean really, GaaraHina, SasuHina, SakuHina, HELL even ItaHina! It's ridiclious! Some never even met one another but people always say it's cute. NaruHina actually is more of main fan couple in Naruto because of the amount of time spent together. NaruHina is a perfectly good couple becasue it has apossibbly of being reality. Kiku-chan pisses me off with the fact that she hates NaruHina just for the fact that she likes SasuNaruSasu. I won't lie it's a possiblly with that couple, but I don't exactly put at my top favorite list. People are intitle to there own opinions, I'm fine with that as long as people don't push me into a a couple I don't like. Maybe I'm being ironic with the fact that I've been trying to do that with Kiku, but the point is don't diss people couples. It's opiniions and likes. I keep to myself. So Kiku-chan, try that to. -Angel Kiku's Profile: Name:Shounen-Ai Age: 16 Gender: Female Likes: Vegetables, Seafood, Ranch Dressing, and Red Lobster's biscuits... Dislikes: Too much chocolate Loves: Yaoi, NarutoxSasuke, SasukexNaruto, Shonen-ai, Yaoi/Shonen-ai Animes, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, etc Hates: NarutoxHinata, Hinata Hyuga, Annoying people and things, depressing days, fake friends, "Erica", & Angel. Personality: Depressing, Sad, Happy at times, Bored 24/7, Funny, Crazy, Emo. This equals: Bipolar Wants: World Peace & A Cleaner Earth -Chirping crickets-...what? I might be emo, but that doesn't mean I want to destroy the planet... Nindo: To always cherish those who love me. Dream: To become an amazing drawer and writer and make my own comic books one day. They most likely will be shonen-ai. Kiku's Note: Most shonen-ai and yaoi stories that might be placed on here will be made by yours truly. Angel's Profile: Name:Evanescences Angel (Angel-chan) Age: 15 Gender: Female Likes:Chocolate~! Woohoo~! Sweets, things that make me hyper, apples and oranges... umm... yaoi? Dislikes: Too much chocolate(sometimes...) veggies (gross) Loves: NarutoxHinata, yaoi (sometimes XD) Naruto~! Lemons... ummm good... emo people... and Kiku! Hates: Mean people who says things behind your back, Annoying people and things, thunder... scary... bad days, fake friends, and "Erica". Personality: Light hearted, very annoying, can tell when your annoyed by me, hyper, funny kinda of crazy... emo on bad days. Wants: Total destruction of the world... everyone should die... BWUAHAHAHAHA!! ... but not the children... especially Kiku's kawaii baby cousin. Nindo: To be strong enough to protect those close to me... from myself... Dream: To become an super english teacher...its the easiest and best job in the world! XD Angel's Note: Unlike Kiku, I will try to prevent that. Remember... we're S-H-A-R-I-N-G~! I will be making NaruHina stories by yours truly. Kiku:...ewww... Angel: :P Oh crawl in a hole or something. Nothing's changing my mind. :D Kiku:...-holds up layout of NaruSasu lemon- 3...2... Angel: KYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~! -dies of massive nosebleed- Our Favorite Animes/Cartoons: (no paritcular order) Junjou Romantica Tide-Line Blue Loveless Naruto/Naruto Shippuuden Dragonball Z Princess Tutu Avatar: The Last Airbender Jubei-chan Pokemon GTO Johnny Bravo Total Drama Island Wolf's Rain InuYasha Case Closed Death Note Yu Yu Hakasho Revolution Girl Utena (I didn't know it was yuri...but its still good.) Mai-Hime Thundercats Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kiku's Favorite Pairing(s): Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha (SasUKE is nice...) Sasuke Uchiha x Naruto Uzumaki (Uke!Naruto is good too...) Sasuke Uchiha x DemonSasuke (From my story, Dear Naruto) Keel x Teen (Keel is seme. T_T) Tsume x Toboe KuroganexFai Itachi Uchiha x Hinata Hyuga Zesty Tastee x Prince Izumi x Tomo Masaki Nowaki Kusama x Hiroki Kamijō Akihiko Usami (Usagi) x Misaki Takahashi Akihiko Usami (Usagi) x Hiroki Kamijō Yō Miyagix Shinobu Takatsuki Paul x Ash Ketchum KeiichixKiku (...lol...) TrunksxKiku (-evil laughter-) Kiku's Least Favorite Pairing(s): Naruto Uzumaki x Hinata Hyuga Naruto Uzumaki x Sakura Haruno Itachi Uchiha x Naruto Uzumaki Kakashi Hatake x Naruto Uzumaki Neji Hyuga x Sasuke Uchiha Gaara x Neji Hyuuga x Gaara Itachi Uchiha x Kyuubi Iruka Umino x Sasuke Uchiha Kiku's 'Don't-really-care-for-much' Pairing(s): Sasuke Uchiha x Sakura Haruno Choji x Ino Yamanaka Kakashi Hatake x Iruka Umino Kakashi Hatake x Sasuke Uchiha More will come soon... Angel's Favorite Pairing(s): Naruto Uzumaki x Hinata Hyuga Soul Eater x Maka Albarn Shikamaru Nara x Ino Yamanaka Sasuke Uchiha x Sakura Haruno Neji Hyuuga x Tenten Tsunayoshi (Tsuna) Sawada x Kyoko Takashi Yamamoto x Gokudera Taiga x Ryuuji Teen x Keel (TEEN IS SEME! XD) Sasuke Uchiha x Naruto Uzumaki Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha Kagome x Inuyasha Sango x Miroku Shippo x Kilala Rin x Sessomaru Angel's Least Favorite Pairing(s): Shikamaru x Temari (She should die!!) Naruto x Sakura Kyoko x Hibari Tsuna with anyone else but Kyoko Angel's 'Don't-really-care-for-much' Pairing(s): Ino x Couji Iruka x Kakashi Nothing much. Soon-to-be Stories: Lust In this world there are two kinds of people. Those who seek to satisfied there lust, and others to satisfied there blood lust. Vampires and Humans co-exist, in utter secrecy, they hide and blend. But the unimaginable happens, thanks to the ignorance of the Fugaku's youngest heir to the Vampire society, Uchiha Sasuke that is. Now exiled to live with humans, to see but never taste, is his punishment. Who knew that the forbidden fruit tasted so good? /NaruSasu/ Genre: Drama, Horror, Romance, Action, Gore, small humor, Tissues for tears Written: By Kiku and Angel xxxx Tissues For Tears During a sad movie, Maka need something to dry her tears. Soul has what she needs. Genre: HUMOR!! Romance. Written: By Angel. Title: by Kiku xxxx Undying Piano Notes She will always remember the sound of his piano playing. Playing just for her. From his soul. Because that was the kind of guy he was. Even now as she sat alone, she hears it... /SoulMaka/ Angst. Genre: Angst and Romance, implied characters death. Written: by Angel Inspired by the song: Breathe by Paramore Thank you all for coming. Anti-SasuHina, NaruSaku, ItaNaru, NejiSasu, and no thank you. We are not really fans of yuri. |