Author has written 10 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Ranma, Anime X-overs, and Yu-Gi-Oh. Hello out there! I'm Wodenchild, and I'm an anime addict. It's true! I need new influx at least once a month. So it keep myself in constant supply I read fanfics! And because I have more imagination than is probably good for me, I write my own. For all those who read them please keep in mind my major in college was Math? English and I don't get along so well. But I do love to read. And ramble as I'm sure you can tell...Which is why most of my fics are not finished. I can never find that good ending shrug Well I'll get there eventually. Thank you for your interest! (especially if you actually read anything I write after reading this!) The site listed above is to mylive journal, you can read me ramble there. Odysseus brings not one man to shore with him and yet sleeps sound besides Calypso and wakes to think only of Penelope--Richard Adams, Watership Down In the real world as in dreams, nothing is quite as it seems. --Book of Counted Sorrows. There are no happy endings, because nothing ever ends. --Schmendrick the Magician, 'The Last Unicorn' Updates: as of 8/25/2005 A.M.: Chapter 12 started, but stalled EPD&M: Chapter 6 is about a third done, and the story is slowly progressing (also stalled) Terra Hime: Deleted b/c I'm not happy with it and can't seem to finish it. Sorry. Anime Apartment: no new additions as of yet, but not really complete either. Gundamless Wing: Discontinued, due to latch of any and all interset. Will be left up though. The Year of Caroline: Complete. Relena's Rant: Complete. Nature Special: Complete Five Days to a relationship: Complete Christmas with the Kaiba's: Complete Being Third: complete Up-coming ideas swirling around: None. Muse went on vacation and has abandoned me. |