Author has written 3 stories for Naruto.
Welcome to my crappy little corner of the fanfiction website! My writer name is obviously xxSasuNaruxx (wish I could change it, don't know what I would change it to though) and I've been around for awhile. I've only written SasuNaru fanfiction on this profile so if you're interested in that stick around and read a few chapters! If you're not interested in that please leave and don't feel it necessary to share your narrow minded opinion on the subject.*insert smiley face emoticon*
I'm in my twenties, it hurts but its true, male, and have sadly realized I published my first story on here 6 years ago. WHAT?!
Books: Are my life
Fave Pairs: I only ever felt inspiration for writing fanfiction in the SasuNaru area, I'm not a very active reader but I'll be happy to read your story, so just send me a message or review or something and I'll check it out.
A Little About Me...
I seem to be very insane. I actually wrote that here four years ago and I have come to the conclusion that insanity is not something that just goes away. I am still very much insane. I am a very creative person and also a very lazy/procrastination prone person which shows in my sparse chapter uploads here. I love to write if the mood or emotion takes me, if not I just sorta muse about writing but never sit down and type it out. I constantly have ideas in my head of perfect storylines, movies, music videos, video games but whenever I try to execute or write them down I usually end up giving up and bailing. I'll go play video games, read, or sleep instead. I am a nerd (and proud of it) but unfortunately I'm the nerd that likes reading, writing, history, music, and made up realms and characters not the fancy useful smart nerds who are all "I'm gonna get a nice job no matter what and make a difference and tons of money!" that's not me at all. I love music I have a wide range of musical taste, I have everything from alternative to showtunes to punk rock to the most bubblegum pop song you can think of. My iPod is a mixture of pretty much every genre of music. I've been writing stories since I was six years old and I don't plan on stopping any time soon!