![]() Author has written 6 stories for Strawberry Panic!, Phantom of the Opera, Misc. Movies, Harry Potter, and Castle. “Thousands stand and chant. Around them in the world, people ride escalators going up and sneak secret glances at the faces coming down. People dangle teabags over hot water in white cups. Cars run silently on the autobahns, streaks of painted light. People sit at desks and stare at office walls. They smell their shirts and drop them in the hamper. People bind themselves into numbered seats and fly across time zones and high cirrus and deep night, knowing there is something they've forgotten to do.” -Don Delillo ABOUT THE AUTHOR Name: Catalina J. More Nicknames/Aliases: Cat, Kitty, CJ, Annoying, Cross, Hey You Over There Age: 19 and too old to be pedobait, thank y' very much. Date of Birth: April 19. Place of Origin: Sussex, my parents' house. Current Residence: The staff house at Screeching and Blacke's outside of London. Family: My birth parents are dead to me, and the rest of my coven is away on sabbatical whilst I look after the property all by myself. Friends: Since they're all on an educational hol, making some of these is a... goal... Occupation: Bar manager, violinist, writer, sometime university student. Hobbies: Learning to juggle bottles, doing ridiculous acrobatics while cleaning the bar, playing the violin, banging away on the old harpsichord in the cellar, writing, ranting, and walking in the rain. Income: No soup for you. Or very much for me, either. Religious Views: Raised Christian, but converted to Neo-Paganism at the age of seventeen. Sexual Orientation: Wha? Relationship Status: Complicated. MY WRITING Favorite Styles of Writing: Autobiographical poetry, romance, shojo-ai, lemon, drama, angst. Favorite In-Story Elements: Desert islands, cross-country road trips, handcuffs, chocolate, and sadism. My All-Time Favorite Canons: Arsenic and Old Lace, Castle, Strawberry Panic!, Harry Potter. My Ships: Elaine/Mortimer, Jonathan/Einstein, Jonathan/Mortimer (+CHAIR), Sweeney/Lovett, Maureen/Joanne, Mark/Maureen, Beckett/Castle (SQUEE), Apollo/Silvia, Sirius/Lihua, Tamao/Nagisa, Yaya/Hikari, Sirius/Remus (Because They're "Brothers"), Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Cho, Harry/Draco, Maerad/Cadvan, Legolas/Aragorn, Aragorn/Arwen, Eowyn/Aragorn, and (Gods smite me) Bella/Edward, Bella/Alice. My List of Ships to Sink: Hermione/Snape, Amane/Hikari, Silvia/Sirius. What I Hate In Writing: This time, I'll give you an example. This month, a drooling idjit who sits behind me in English Literature was trying to write a novel cleverly, again. He was reading a Stephen King novel alongside, and copying down ideas for his plot. I read the thing and it was awful. Typo-tastic and extremely trite, redundant. Poor boy. I'll give you the breath of life... Smut fanfic. OTHER ASSORTED FAGGOTRY AIM: FoxenChann (Tell me where you're from, of course. You better have a good reason to yank my virtual chain, as I don't have much patience who for the lot that likes to drivel at others over the Interwebs. It's called meeting up with friends IRL.) E-Mail: porcelainepoque@ (Again, tell me where you're from. I'll accept critique, or suggestions for new stories here.) Castle: We could always make it strip poker. Castle: (to Kate about marriage) You'd be good at it. You're both controlling and disapproving. You should really try it. I AM A STANA KATIC FANGIRL. EAT MY SUSPENDERS. |