![]() Author has written 10 stories for Bloody Jack Adventures, and Avatar: Last Airbender. I should say that I have better things to do than write Avatar and Bloody Jack fanfiction, but don't. Stories Overview (Avatar): One Week: Newest. It's in-progress and I really WILL finish it this time, I promise, due to the fact that it's scribbled-notebook-form is almost finished. Contains elements of both Zutara and Maiko, and though I tried to be unbiased...well...it was slightly difficult to be unbiased. IN PROGRESS Sweet Poision: Oy vey. It's embarrassing. You won't understand it. COMPLETED Dinner, a Fountian, and a Very Sharp Knife: My interpretation of Mai and Zuko's first date, which was in real life sadly shoved into a comic instead of an episode. I didn't read the strip until after I wrote this (just randomly gathered information on it one day) so a lot of stuff is probably screwed to the extreme. COMPLETED A Little Bit Happier Than Before: I believe I was sleep-deprived while I wrote this. Kataang isn't fully established yet, Katara and Zuko get trapped in the Cave of Two Lovers, and Katara plays a dirty little trick in order to get what she wants. (I know it sounds like smut, but it isn't smut, I promise. If ever I wrote smut it wouldn't be Zutara, count on that. Enough Zutara smut exists on this site already...) COMPLETED The Ask the Firenation Show: I really wanted to write one of those Ask shows, so I did. I believe three chapters are up; I should probably write the fourth seeing as though I have enough reviews...er...questions for our Fiery Four. Ask Zuko, Ty Lee, Mai, or Azula anything you want--and you will get an answer. Stories Overview (Bloody Jack): The Mark of the Golden Dragon: My newest...erm...piece, about what happens after that damnet cliffhanger ending in The Wake of the Lorelei Lee. Very nautically incorrect, but I did try. I'm making it up as I go along. I do have other chapters done/in the works, though, so this ain't gonna stay a oneshot! Jaimy's Back: Was supposed to continue, but I'm a lazy ass, so... Rebecca, Jacky, Clarissa, and Amy are all over at Amy's when Jaimy suddenly returns from China. Wrote before I read "My Bonny Light Horseman," (which I thought was good overall, but not as great as the other ones...I did Laugh Out Loud over it, though, a lot). Maybe one day I'll continue, but for now, consider it one of my many oneshots. SUPPOSED TO BE IN PROGRESS...achem...BUT I'M TOO LAZY TO WORK ON IT Miss Howe: Don't read it. It's stupid. COMPLETED BUT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE |