Author has written 34 stories for Sky High, Naruto, Twilight, Hangover, It Girl, Avatar: Last Airbender, Total Drama series, and Harry Potter. CHECK OUT MY TDI COMMUNITY!!! About me. I've recently changed my penname from xXHaruXiaOTPXx I've been on here forever. Since like 2002. Harry Potter brought me to this amazing site. I have almost 20 accounts on here, so chances are you've seen my work elsewhere. I have this bad habit of removing and reposting old stories from time to time. Some of my old fics are really really bad. It's embarrassing, but it's also nice to look at them and say 'see how far I've come!' I write porn Deal with it I'm auctioning off my body parts. Spleen - beeblack2692 (Jigsaw) Pancreas - La Noche Misteriosa; Delicata (Deep Down We're Really Just Animals) Gallbladder - loulou11288 (Just For Will) Right Kidney - ItaSaku29 (The Way To A Woman's Heart) Righ Eye - BXE (On My Waist, Through My Hair) Spine - Lord Melkor (Blue Betrayal) Right Elbow - Melrose5553 (1000 Piece Puzzle) Esophagus - SasuSaku Forever and Ever (Like A Microwave Pizza) Left Pinky Finger - Tomboy Amy (Hard Moon Rising) Rules. 1. Answers must be in reviews. 2. Answers in PM's are not accepted and disregarded. 3. Answers must be clearly stated. 4. You can PM me if you have any questions or comments, but I will not give further hints. 5. You do not have to have an account to submit an answer (in other words annoymous reviews are accepted). 6. You do not have to have an account to win. 7. The first person to guess correctly wins. 8. Only the first person to answer correctly gets the "prize." 9. Ties are possible and are determined at my discretion. 10. Winners are posted on my profile. 11. You are not notified if your guess is right or wrong. 12. Refrain from submitting answers after the winner has been announced. Links. The Way To A Woman's Heart: Loving Zuko; Pieces of My Heart: Author : Info on my writing style: Here : http:///wiki/Postmodern_literature The Chase: Inspiration, video: http:///gallery/#/d4h3bn8, First Class: Inspiration: http:///gallery/31585616#/d49o658 WIP. I'm Ecstatic Right Now - Edward/Bella Intermission - Warren/Layla The Wedding Night - Aang/Katara If You Give an Akatsuki a Cookie Merkaba - 13/Chase Come My Lady - Edward/Bella Kiss, Kiss - Gwen/Duncan I Saw It On Oprah - The Hangover First Class - Ale/Hea The Chase - Ale/Hea Men Who Do Not Wear Tights - Tangled |
Dr. Tinsley (5) | Lord Melkor (3) |