![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, and Vocaloid. A sort of About Me section :) Hey guys. It's been a while since I've written fanfiction and my writing style has definitely changed but I hope all my old readers still enjoy what I write, and that any new readers will as well. I'm currently planning to rewrite a few existing chapters and come out with a new variety of stories. Mainly because I've always had ideas for other series but never felt comfortable writing them. I hope you like what I have to write! I'm excited to be starting again. Please note my Avatar/Icon is a picture of myself with a zombie/gore makeup test I did, so please do not take it and post it anywhere else :) Thank you. Interests. My main hobby is cosplay and drawing. Although I enjoy art in all its forms, I enjoy drawing Realism to Comics style. I hope to release a comic some day :) I don't watch TV much but I enjoy cartoons, and I always will, along with a few live action shows like Glee. :) I'm a fan of fantasy and all genres of novels. Reading is just so nice. :) I also do enjoy all types of video games but mainly RPG's such as the Tales of- series, Persona, Silent Hill, you know... the regular things haha. My favorite aspect of anime culture is probably Yaoi and Boys love. I really enjoy it haha, but I can't just watch a series if they're is no plot, or it's drawn terrible and other things c: Um... If you have any questions or requests please feel free to message me :) YAOI SURVEY 1.When Did You Get Into Yaoi? I think I got into yaoi when I was 11 or so because that's when I really got into the swing of manga and anime. Did You Get Into Yaoi? By googling things and other things coming up lol. That's also how I got into cosplay xD 3.For How Long Have You Been Into Yaoi? Well I've been into it since I was around 11 I'd say so 7 or 8 years haha. I've never been homophobic though (I myself am transgender and bisexual so XD) 4.Truthfully, How Obsessed Do You Think You Are? I'll be honest. Most of my manga is BL and well I own a lot of manga and I think the only hetero pairing I truly enjoy is Howl/Sophie and just about ever series I watch, whether it be anime, manga, comics, live action, etc I tend to create a homosexual pairing. That and the fact that all the fanficton I write and most of my OC's are somewhat if not completely gay... I'd say I clearly LIKE it... but my "obsession" doesn't cloud my common sense xD 5. All Time Favorite Couple: Riku and Sora from KH will forever be my OTP. Kingdom Hearts it's self was very therapeutic for me at a time haha. But if Riku and Sora didn't exsist Sirius Black and Remus Lupin would be my OTP, no questions asked. 6.Five Top Favorite Couples After Your All Time Favorite: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Kenny McCormick and Kyle Broflovski. Nezumi and Shion from No.6 although I love them separately the pairing is nice too. 7.What Yaoi Couple Do You Hate Above All? I don't enjoy Hetalia pairings because I don't like Hetalia (I can only imagine how many people will hate me for writing that haha) although I don't really HATE the pairings because well, I don't honestly have an opinion on said pairings XD 8.Five Top Most Hated Couples After Your All Time Most Hated: I don't really HATE any pairing. I tend to like crack pairings too so well ya xD 9.What Five Yaoi Couples Do You Wish There Was More Fanfiction/Art About: I wish they're was more for Sora being paired with Sephiroth, Cloud or Squall (Riku with Cloud/Squall is always nice too.) On that note I wish they're was more Seph/Vincent. I wish there was longer more in depth Cain and Riff (godchild) stories. I really love how those character are originally written and I wish there was more. Kenny/Kyle and south park fics in general. I don't really enjoy most that I've read honestly... and Howl and Calcifer from Howls Moving Castle. I adore them. 10. What Five Yaoi Couples Do You Wish There Was Less Fanfiction/Art About: I kind of wish people wouldn't write just ANYTHING for Riku/Sora and Sirius/Remus... as well as fics involving Kenny and Kyle or Kenny and Butters. Sometimes things just seem so rushed. |