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Joined 07-01-08, id: 1620756, Profile Updated: 12-25-08
Author has written 2 stories for Naruto, and Harry Potter.

Disclaimer: I don't own ANY characters in ANY movie, anime, and etc. I'm just a fan writer.

If you want to reply to anything that I might have said or reviewed, use my story review 'cause there's something wrong with my email address at the moment.

Okay, I like romance stories with a bit of angst in it (with happiness later on though). Um, superpowered Naruto, Naruto with a family, emotional scenes, some humor, some adventure, diverse themes; I also like stories that have a purpose, teaching the readers a lesson about life. Recently, I've taken an interest in Teen Titans with Raven as my favorite character and Rob/Rae pairings.

Pairings I like -

Naruhina - I thought they really deserve each other. They both are so cute together

Sasusaku - c'mon, she's perfect for him, crushing on him until that crushing turns into loving!

Nejiten - Tenten is about the only girl who's ever gotten so close to his heart!

Shikatem - Temari could force him to get off his lazy behind.

Choino - I don't know why they are so good together

Kibahan - sure Hanabi's younger than him, but it sounds good to me!

Gaayug - Both are Jinchuurikis who look soooo cute together!

Itayukie - He's soooo hot next to a snow princess!

Naruhaku(fem) - they're made for each other, plain and simple.

Narukon - If he's gonna be part of the Akatsuki, he should go out with Konan.

Robrae - They fit together. Two birds, uh, you get it.

TerraBB - Oh, c'mon! You can totally see that Beast was OBSESSED over Terra.

StarCy - no reason why.

Aquarae - it's good but robrae is better.

There are other pairings I like, too. You should get the idea.

I hate -

RobStar - I just don't think they fit together (I have nothing against Starfire, but the idea of them dating...Starfire's just too perky for him)

Any yaoi or yuri - I'm straight, and this is just wrong (plz don't take offense!)

Any story with a bunch of adult themes - detailed accounts of gory scenes and other stuff like that.

Any story that made a boy character into a girl character and vice versa unless the boy looks so much like a girl that it can be done (Neji doesn't count as a girl; I think we all realize he was a boy at first glance).

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Jinchuuriki with Multiple Bijuus reviews
Superpowered Naruto. Harem. Naruto, raised by the Uchihas at Minato's wish, became Jinchuuriki for six Bijuus. Hmm, Naruto seems to love playing matchmaker in this new chapter, does he?
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 61,495 - Reviews: 219 - Favs: 615 - Follows: 605 - Updated: 5/30/2009 - Published: 8/2/2008 - Naruto U.
Light Under the Cloak of Darkness reviews
Harry, raised by Voldemort, was to be a deadly weapon, but his pure heart gets in the way. Powerful!Intelligent!Slytherin!Wealthy!Harry loyal!draco. No slash, only a friendship/trust story
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 10,040 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 43 - Updated: 4/19/2009 - Published: 3/24/2009 - Harry P., Draco M.