Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, and Hellsing. I've been writing for many years- fan fiction, original fiction, novellas, short stories, you name it- and I'm an English literature and history double major (suicidally minoring in philosophy), so it should be fairly obvious why I'm so wordy. Words make me happy. I'm very happily engaged. (Though minus the ring as we are indeed starving college students, and I'm fine with that!) I love tea, rain, Persian cats, erotica (but not conventional porn- I find it very vulgar and quite base, anyway I'm usually nitpicking the erotica), incense (go Nag Champa and resins), hookah smoking, reading, writing, studying (odd, I know), debating religion, British humor, dark chocolate, being sarcastic, confusing people with my introversion, and being known as a relatively intelligent human being. I don't like meat (vegetarian for seven years now), most dogs, any recreational drugs, right-wing radio, math, or ignorant people (like the ones who think you smoke pot in a hookah). Things to remember: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" has all the answers of life Voltaire makes some of the greatest points known to man "Your" is not the same as "you're" and you should have learned that when you were ten "It's a trap!" Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill Seras is only there for fan service Writing yourself into a story as an OC counts as a Mary Sue Cuddy's smirk does better than House's eyeroll We have all written fan fiction or original work we regret having posted online Karma's a bitch Integra always wins "Words are trivial" Books & authors of choice: His Dark Materials, Voltaire, Camus, Sartre, Angela Carter, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, James Joyce, A Clockwork Orange, Catcher in the Rye, 1984, Risen Empire, The Killing of Worlds (Oh, how Scott Westerfeld has fallen since then), Tamora Pierce, T.S. Eliot, The Remains of the Day, Atonement, Wuthering Heights |
Mangakawa (0) |