Author has written 3 stories for Walker, Texas Ranger, Angel, and In Plain Sight. I'm a 28 year old who has no idea what I want to do with my life. All I know is that I love to read and write. Most of my stories were written when I was about 16, before college took away all my free time. Since I graduated, I've finally had some time to start writing again. Unfortunately, my inspiration seems to come and go... so I'm far from being a consistent poster. I hope that you enjoy my stories, and I'd love to hear from you if you do! Hearing from you lovely people on this site really is my main source of inspiration to keep writing! Shows that I've written stories for: Buffy/Angel, Walker Texas Ranger, The Sentinel, Due South, and In Plain Sight. Shows that I love but haven't tried writing: Gilmore Girls, Stargate SG-1, Bones and JAG. My favorite show currently: Castle. |