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Joined 06-14-08, id: 1604375, Profile Updated: 01-13-10
Author has written 4 stories for Misc. Plays/Musicals, Death Note, and Future Diary/未来日記.

Fanfic Writer's Meme

Brief Introduction:

Hi~ya! I'm A-chama though I haven't actually posted anything up here yet I figured I may as well do this in the eventuality that I do post fanfiction here. And some poor soul ends up on this page. Blank profiles are boring are they not?

What got you into fanfiction:

What got me READING fanfiction, wasmy unhealthy obsession with all things Sailor Moon. And discovering the fact that it came from Japan... That asside, after Sailor Moon and went on to Digimon where I learnt of a thing called shounen ai and yaoi... and that's when tings got interesting XD at least for me...

Don't get me wrong I'll give straight pairings the benefit of a doubt...but I prefer yaoi or shounen ai... becuase itmore unusal though considering the ammount of fan-obsession yaoi gathers...I would call it so rare anymore... but I find yaoi stories have a flair that straight ones don't.

Also...I'm pretty opinionated when it comes to what I READ, sorry if it offends you... But everyone's intitled to their own opinion.

What kind of fanfiction do you write?:

Very very angsty... in fact the one and only 'happy' story ended with my two main characters in the hospital... the fact that they survived was the only thing I could actually claim was happy about that fic at all...

Other then tragedy, I tend to write AU mostly, or I enjoy writing things with supernatural elements. Or ou know...something containing a mixture of all three elements.

Fandom-wise I've been writing mostly Jrock...but I'm really tempted to write some DeathNote fanfiction since I've been reading some fantastic stroies from that fandom lately.

Pairing wise do you always stick to the same pairings or do you fluctuate?:

Depends on the series,in some I have OTPs in others I'll change.

But what usually happens is I'll have ONE favorite charactre that I don't mind seeing paired up with different characters. (Exampleif I read DeathNote ... I like Light therefore I don't mind Light with various of the other characters... except Misa... I don'T see Light ever loving Misa nomatter the universe)

On that note... I rarely like canon pairings. Example I prefere to pair Sakura (from Card Captors) up with Eriol or Yur rather then with Sayoran (though I do like Sayoran I just find the pairing is boring and already established.)

What is your best Fanfiction and why do people like it?:

Well, the one that was most popular would definitly be 'Spread My Wings' which was a Ruki/Uruha fanfiction... As for WHY people liked it... I wonder myself...while I think it is well written it's the most depressing piece I've written,but I think Imanage to write some different in that story from the usual slew of mindless PWP? That are out there. As a bonus it didn't have one of those and they all lived happily ever after' bullshit endings.

And which one do you like best?:

Actually right now the piece of writing I like the best would be 'Remnants of Rain' which I started to write.I think it would be good, if I can manage to get my characters tolet me dig into their heads a little more U_U

Fanfiction wise I guess I like "Disorder Heaven" it's one of my more challenging pieces that I've written (but have yet to complete) But I'm proud of it, I like how I've portrayed my characters, and I think I managed to write a pretty convincing stituation even if I'm not writing it from experience.

Or writing Easy or Hard? What aspects of writing do you struggle with?:

That all depends on the occasion but I think all writers experience good AND bad days. I guess it all depends on how much my characters are willing to cooperate with mesometime s they're nice and do as they're told and other times they're b!t@hes that should be shot because they're nowhere to be found!

Usually I have difficulty with climax scenes... I'm pretty good with endings and beginnings... but the middle is rather dreadful.

Any cliches or fanfic trends you dislike?:

There are MANY of those... I'm a reader at heart and I'm a fast reader...which means if Ilike a story I have to read it four or five times because I can't find thatmany good stories... which makes me a VERY picky reader...in fact I usually decided by the first paragraph or so if Im going to continue with reading or just ditch it all together.

But to get to the point here is what I avoid like the plague.

Song fics, because if half your story is the song then you're not really writing a fanfic I find. If you want your characters to sing fine,you don't have to include the whole song into your story unless actually RELEVANT to your story. Mind you... if it's done executed, I can make exceptions...but those are FEW and far between.

OC in fanfiction. I don't mind minor unimportant characters. But OC in fanfiction do not have their place... if you're writing Fanfiction use the characters at your disposle is what I believe...if you want to write OC write Original fiction.

Which of course leads to Mary Sues... because anything that has a Mary Sues ALWAYS invariably degenerates into teenage and I've yet to read a story with a Mary Sue that was worth reading... if you want to write fantasies about yourself with your favorite characters and what not... keep them in your diary please.

Mpreg. Lets get this straight people. MEN. CANNOT. GET. PREGNANT. Is that clear enough... I'm sorry even if themovie about Arnold Schwarznegger getting pregnant was entertaining... it's just wrong to do a serious story about that... if you want your two MALE characters to have a child... let them adopt...Im sure you can write all the trials and tribulations of getting to gay men to legally adopt and it would be just as satisfying as a man getting pregnant.

And last but not least Sex-changes: I'm sorry but no. Don't just change the sex of one of the characters because you don'tlike Yaoi. If you don't like yaoi... then don't write those two characters together... and don't change them both to being female just because you want to write Yuri either... on that note just because your obsessed with Yaoi doesn't give you the right to make all females into men either. If you don'tlike the charaters the way they are then switch fandoms is what I say.

HOWEVER that being said, people can write whatever suits them... and if this is what they enjoy writing so be it... I don't think that necessairly makes them bad WRITERS...

Any cliches you're guilty of?:

If I am... and I'm sure I'm not totally free of cliches... no matter how much I wish I was...I'm blissfully unaware of it. Though to my joy, I'm don't partake in any of the cliches/trends I mentioned above (someone shoot meif I ever am!)

First Fandom you wrote for? Do you still like it/write for it?:

I've already mentioned it before BUT I I'll say it again the first one I wrote was a X/1999 fanfiction. While I don't write for that fandom anymore I still like it.

OTPS? (one True Pairing for the Fanfic-novices):

Well,I'll list them all out of date ones as well:

Card Captor Sakura: EriolxSakura,YuexSakura

Sailor Moon: MamoruxUsagi, SeiyaxUsagi

Death Note: LxLight, MattxLight (or vise versa) MelloxLight

Digimon: KenxDaisuke, YamatoxDaisuke

X/1999: SeishirouxKamui, FuumaxKamui, SubaruxKamui

Axis Powers Hetalia: RussiaxCanada, PrussiaxCanada,AmericaXCanada

Sakura Gari: SomaxTagami

Pandora Hearts: BreakxOz, RavenxOz, ElliotxOz, JackxOz

Gazette: RukixUruha, RukixKai KaixAoi, KaixUruha MiyavixAoi

I could go on for a long while... but this is good enough for now XD

What is your writing 'style':

I have no idea... but I think it's engaging enough.

Do you read other people's fanfiction?If so what do you find yourself reading most?:

Well, I suppose I've done a big rant about what I DON'T read... so I should be positive here XD

Well,first of all original pairings. If it's a pairing I hadn't thought about,I'll definitly check it out I always like to see people trying new things. The rareer the better...mind you I get depressed when I start to like the pairing and can't find any decent stories that feature it. (Woefully the case of MattxLight fanfiction).

I also enjoy AUs. I like to see people taking characters from a series and putting them in different contexts or in altered contexts. I think good writers and can write good AUs. Which is to say when they put characters in a different context they don't alter the character. The character will still act as he or she should even if the situation around him or her has changed.

Time Traveling since I find that an interesting topic ... Illoften read if a story involves that...provide the summary provided gives good reason for the time travel to takeplace of course.

Also if the summaries insufficient I may try I fanfic if the title is interesting enough...though I must say that only really happens in the case of books and mangas rather then in the case of fanfiction.

One things you'd love to write but are too chicken to do so?:

That'sa good question... I usually write whatever it is I want to write...of course whether the results are good or not is a different story entirely of course XD

Do you have trouble taking critisim? Or worse yet do you have the dreaded bloated ego?:

I try to find some balance. I'll admit... I don't ALWAYS take critisim as well as I should... but I don't shy from it either since that's what helps me improve my writing. I don't think I have a big ego...since most of the timeI have a hard time thinking anything I write is any good...

What helps you write?

Music,I usually listen toone or two songs that helpme get the mood of my story. Always been pretty helpful.


Fairytales, Music, books I read.

Other comments about yourself as a writer/fanfic writer:

I cant promise you'll laugh (and maybe even the opposite in fact DX)... but I think my fanfics are pretty entertaining if you'll give them a try.

This meme was found here: http:///art/Fanfiction-Writer-s-Meme-73837572

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