The only difference between Fiction and reality...Fiction has to make sense. Hello all =) Welcome to my profile. Who among us does not appreciate a clean, fresh notepad and sharpened pencil or pen? Does this not tempt you to put words to paper? To scribble poems, stories, plot lines or characters onto its flawless white page? To see the dark ink or pencil line stand out on the paper, like a highlighted actor on stage? Does your hand not itch for the tools? The tools that will create worlds and dimensions without limits? To beckon to inspiration? Of course, not all inspiration come from sitting in a large, comfortable chair with notepad in hand. Heavens no. Great ideas come from the most unusual places. The grocery store, the sidewalk, tree's, instruments, passersby. To go looking for ideas is not always the best idea, for great ideas will often come looking for you. My stories are not perfect, nor are they brilliant. However, they're fun to write and I enjoy sharing them. Your review is appreciated, whether you liked my story or not, and I thank you for your time. A good story is worth reading, and though my stories are not always good, its nice to know they can still be read. Happy writing =) TheBloodBunny. |