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Joined May 12, 2008, id: 1574357, Profile Updated: Aug 23, 2011

I'm gone for good, guys, and I'm sorry.

My writing style over the last two years has changed dramatically to the point in which I cringe when I see my old work.

I can't stand to look at those stories any more, and my year-long aversion to Naruto fanfiction only further solidifies my decision to give up.

On that note, I've left two stories untouched 'The:Pet', because it was fairly popular and also 'Don't Touch me, un!', because, not only am I still recieving a fair amount of reviews to this day; asking me to update - but it was also my very first officially posted fanfiction, and coincidentally the most popular one I have ever written.

Goodbye, guys. Sorry to be a disappointment but do feel free to leave me big, long, bitching PMs if any of you are REALLY pissed. I'll understand...