Author has written 4 stories for Gilmore Girls, and Pirates of the Caribbean.
It would seem that you are either very VERY lost or are very VERY interested in me. Either way... I'm flattered. It's good to know that others can get lost. :D
Well, since you went to the trouble of looking for me - here I am.
My emjai.
Well, it's not really 'emjai' but E-J... but nicknames rule! I'm 18 years of age and studying creative writing at Uni. I hope to be a feature writer someday...but thats only someday - right now i'm pretty content wasting my days away at the bar at uni, or reading fanfiction.
I've been writing fanfiction for 3 years now. Starting off way way back when i was 15 and i wrote my first fic called 'impressive wingspan' - a Blink182 romantic comedy about mark, tom, and two of their best friends when they were all in junior high. then there was impressive wingspan 2... when they were seniors.. then impressive wingspan 3...when tom got engaged... impressive wingspan 4 when mark got divorced. it was cool writing those because i just did what i thought was comedy... and it turned out pretty well because others thought it was funny too :D then i became obsessed with hey arnold! fics where i did a arnold/helga piece about love etc. my first attempt at being serious. it kinds sucked, but hey. i then wrote a harry potter fic which was hr/dr. which i hated. so i never posted it. hahaha. then i became obsessed with gilmore girls!! - namely rory/jess and luke/lorelai. and wrote a few fics by myself (including my ONLY seirous fic out there 'take a step back' which was rory/dave) and two fics with my comedy co-write 'oregano.' with oregano i created my best fic - 'consider this.' i urge you to check it out, because i think its my best work ever and the only fic i've ever acutally finished. sigh. bad habit.
nowadays i'm obsessed with PotC fics - aren't we all?
i've been reading them for ages and i've finally got the guts up to try writing one... called Por qué lo Resiste and i have my fingers crossed for it.
wow. i have a lot of history.
or maybe i just talk to much.
either way...i'm obsessed with hot american men and coffee. I'm australian by the way - that is why my spelling is wrong half the time as well :D
anyhoo mcgoo.
i'm outie!
au revoire, ma petite!