Author has written 21 stories for Supernatural, Sonny with a Chance, Wicked, Glee, and Once Upon a Time. People apparently sometimes read this thing. So... hi!! There's not much to know about me. I write, I read, I procrastinate from my assignments, a lot. More than I really should (ie, guess what I'm doing right now?) Feel free to drop me a PM if you want, I promise I'll try and reply. Sometimes I don't though because I tell myself I will later, and then forgot, because my memory sucks. Sorry this page isn't more interesting. Distraction I was really bored and made some banners for Distraction. So... check them out, or don't. Whatevs. It's up to you really. 1. Blaine, Tyler, Mel and Kurt. (Tyler and Mel aren't 100% how they are in my head, but this was about the closest I could get to my mental images of them). http:///albums/oo290/loopdeloopy/banner2copy.jpg?t=1301736784 2. Just Blaine and Kurt, and a bit of New York City hiding in the background (this one is rather rubbish, but I thought I'd share it anyway) http:///albums/oo290/loopdeloopy/bannercopy-1.jpg?t=1301736956 3. Tyler Blake's EP http:///albums/oo290/loopdeloopy/tylerblakeepcopy.jpg?t=1301737065 UPDATES! (27/03/2013) 1. The fic I'm currently working on is The Dalton Deception. I can't handle more than one fic at a time, so assume everything else is on hold. 2. Cheers To You should be the next fic I work on. I want to so bad, because, well, it's Cheerio Klaine along with the whole love/hate romance thing, which I'm a sucker for. So... if all goes well, it will be what I work on next. 3. I'm on tumblr! http:/// I mostly just reblog Klaine, Taylor Swift stuff and other random stuff that I find funny. Feel free to follow me though, if you want... 4. I guess that's it really. |