Author has written 2 stories for Twilight. I know I need to make one of these, I will soon. I was discussing my many theories regarding what will happen in Breaking Dawn back in November with a friend of mine and she told me that for her Christmas gift she wanted me to write them up as a story. I negotiated with her the number of pages, 20-30, but ended writing well over 250. At some point I will post that story, but it's really up to my friend, since it was her gift. I was inspired by my awesome typing skills (hunt and peck at its finest), so I decided to write another story. I read a bunch of fan fiction where Edward leaves and doesn't come back for a long time. In many of the stories Bella forgave him way too easily in my opinion. Let's face it, the girl is stubborn. So I wrote Never Forever. It will be about 30 chapters, it's done but it needs work, so I will post more when it's not as bad as it is now. Please R&R! Hope you like! |