Author has written 1 story for Naruto.
She's an eighteen-year-old art college student that's currently studying for her Bachelor's Degree in Applied Arts of Animation. However, some her pasttimes includes writing and singing, including writing fanfiction for the various manga and anime fandoms she indulges in. Her aim is to keep her English and writing skills top notch by accomplishing that through writing fanfiction. Various fandoms she enjoys include Naruto, Bleach, Reborn!, and much more.
1/6; One Sixth (Naruto)
Summary: Strange things have been happening in the small town of Konoha – what sparked it all was a mysterious murder of a news reporter that mystified and frightened the citizens of the usually-peaceful town. Things has started ever since Ikaruga Amaru had transferred to Konoha to live with her uncle for a little while – things are starting to take a nasty turn once she uncovers a disturbing secret...
Status: Multi-chaptered; on-going
Magnet (Naruto)
Summary: Deciding to pursue her career as a medical doctor even further in Konohagakure, Amaru bids farewell to her home village, and arrives in the busy village of Leaf shinobi. However, she isn’t exactly welcomed with open arms… things go a wry the moment she tries to sought after the man who had helped her nearly two years ago – Uzumaki Naruto.
Status: Multi-chaptered; on-going