![]() Author has written 2 stories for Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. I'm here because i needed an outlet for my obsession Katekyo Hitman Reborn!! I'm a yaoi fangirl (and proud to be one!)- that doesn't mean i don't like any het pairings My 1st shonen-ai pairing was Sasunaru which was pretty much my main reason for continuing the series so after Sasuke left so did I lol Hmmm what else... KHR Fav pairings: 1827 (ultimate luv!!), D18/18D, 6927, 182769, 8059, 5927, all27 I don't really care much for agnst. Don't get me wrong ill read stories like that because there are a lot of really good stories that have it but I myself will not be writing hardly any (not to say i won't write any at all) u know I was seriously at my computer all hyped up toward finishing my profile but now that im actually sitting here my mind goes blank (so i guess another time then) ill just add random things as them come Okay I'm seriously ready to crack down now and write some fanfics...I think...I. SEEK. MORE. MOTIVATION! TO THE EXTERME! Future Expectations - complete - i got really nice feedback so ill definitely try and make another one like it - THANK U NICE PEOPLE!! Life in the Land of 1827- in progress - ideas come and go so when i update, i update |