Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Hi Everyone, Sabrina here. I figured it was time that I write something in my profile. I'm going to tell you - whether you want to know or not - that I'm from Winnipeg, Canada. I've been an intermittent writer since I was about 5 but I only started writing seriously (or in a way that anyone could consider serious) in the last few years. My preference is for angst as you must be aware of you've read any of my fan fictions. I plan to write a huge epic one day - if I can get away from Harry Potter fan fiction that is. As you see, I have two completed works in the Harry Potter Universe. I tend to write AU, not because I have problems with J.K. Rowling's world, but only because in my stories there are certain events that I don't think the canon characters would do. To that end I am writing what is tentatively the last story in my Demons & Shadows Trilogy, The Woes of Ginny Weasley. I did have several chapters posted previously, but after some harsh examination of the story (thanks to valuable feedback) I have scrapped the first copy and have started rewriting. I am working on the second chapter as I write this but I don't think that I'm going to post anything until I'm a good way into the story as I tend to edit a lot in the beginning and I don't want to confuse people too much - I do that enough already. :) I love reviews and talking with other people about writing - whether it be mine or someone else's so I encourage anyone who wants to, to contact me. Cheers, Sabrina |