![]() Author has written 6 stories for Warriors, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. WHOA. Well...it's certainly been a while, hasn't it? A Little About Flock! Flock's Favorite Song Lyrics I'm awesome, no you're not dude don't lie. Almost lovers always do. Baby there's a shark in the water, I caught them barking at the moon, better be soon... We'll cut the legs off our pants, throw our shoes into the ocean Suckin' too hard on your lollipop, oh love's gonna get you down Fishheads, fishheads, roly-poly fishheads Don't stop me now! Teenage dreams in a teenage circus, running around like a clown on purpose... Flock's Little Wonderings Why did the quotation marks and apostrophes in FFN stories go from looking all pretty (“ ‘’ ”) to all plain (" '' ")? Will my bestie REALLY move back from Georgia, or will they end up staying? Why do people hate on Justin Bieber? It's not his fault his voice is high. Why have I never seen a proper horror movie, despite the fact that I'd like to? Why did I even add this section to my profile? Flock's Guide To The Dos and Don'ts of Writing a Good Fanfiction - DO practice, practice, practice! Practice won't make perfect, but it will make improvement. - DO use and (Or if you have an actual dictionary and thesaurus, that's great as well!) - DO use the resources at hand (books, the internet, TV, people you know) to learn about your topic. If it's fantasy, factual errors don't matter so much, but you want to sound like you know what you're talking about. - DO use correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. (Spell check is your best friend.) We want to be able to understand what you're trying to say. If you don't know what all that is, what are you even DOING here? - DO proofread. Everybody makes mistakes. That's okay - you're only human after all. (Unless there's something you're not telling us?!) But if you can catch those mistakes before you send them out into the world, that's all the better! - DO use quotation marks to acknowledge dialogue. I don't know why you wouldn't do this, unless you haven't gone to school. Sadly, I see this a lot. - DO use paragraphs. Walls of text immediately drive me away from a story. - DO use description - but not too much. This is a tricky one. You want to create a picture in your reader's mind, but you don't want enough purple prose to drown an elephant. To do this successfully, use that handy thing inside your head - what's it called again? A brain? Or maybe it was a Brian? Hmm. - DO be realistic. Your fanfiction is not a soap opera. Unless that's what you're aiming for. - DO use an outline. Seriously. I used to never use an outline for my stories and it got pretty crazy. Summaries and outlines, even extremely loose ones, help you keep the story on the right track and pace and also help to organize your ideas. - DO learn the difference between plural and possessive. "Cat's" does not equal "cats," or vice versa. - DO develop realistic characters. I dislike the term Mary-Sue, but that is exactly what you do NOT want in your story. Most people think that Mary-Sues are always perfect little good two-shoes who wouldn't harm a fly and have never left a bad impression ever in their lifetime - a less-known fact is that a Mary-Sue can also be the opposite. So yes, your little emo "woe is me, I hate the world, everybody is out to get me, my life is a Hallmark drama" character IS a Mary-Sue. - DO have the events in your story effect the way a character develops and changes. If Bill's wife dies, he is probably not going to go skipping merrily to get the paper in the mornings like he used to. - DO torture your characters every once in a while. Really, it's fun - for you to write and for the readers to read. Happily ever after = no-no - DO have a strong beginning and a strong ending. Your beginning is your hook, the thing that gets your reader's attention, and your ending is your finale which should leave the reader on the edge of their chairs begging for more. BUT... - ...DON'T slack off in the middle! If you get too lazy you'll lose your reader's interest. - DON'T beg for reviews. - DON'T beg for flames. - DON'T say "I suck at summaries" in your summary. That is effectively saying "I suck at writing." Even if your summary really does suck, don't announce it to the world. - DON'T say "This is my first fanfiction" in your summary, either. Because do you know what that looks like to me? "This is my first story so it sucks, but please come read it anyway out of pity" - If writing a story with animals, DON'T EVER say things like "audits," "orbs," or "maw." Those aren't even anatomically correct terms. - DON'T be redundant. Yes, you need to use description, but when you start saying things like "Nancy sprinted quickly" you know you're going overboard. - DON'T put author's notes in the middle of your chapters. It completely disrupts the flow. - DON'T forget the "said" rule. What's the said rule, you ask? Let me explain. Did you know that saying "said" and other equally nondescript verbs is BETTER than saying things like "'That's ridiculous!' Jimmy snarled angrily." Fancy verbs and adverbs take all the attention off the dialogue, making it forgettable. You need to explain how ANGRY Jimmy is about the recent pay cuts at work? Add some action in there, for example, "'That's ridiculous!' Jimmy cried, pounding his fist on the table." Better, isn't it? - DON'T end a chapter in the middle of a sentence. Think of how confused you'd be if the newest episode of your favorite TV show, or the recent installment of a movie series would be if it ended in the middle of a character's sentence. No-no alert! Categories I Have Written For or Would Like To Write For All of these are categories I have either written stories for in the past, or categories which I would like to write a story/stories for in the future Stories Which I Will Be Keeping/Continuing At This Point Don't really bother reading any other stories, as they won't be updated again and will probably soon be deleted* Going Home My Current Stories and Their Statuses Listed in alphabetical order Title: Blessed Title: Chant Title: Going Home Title: Night Whispers Title: The Clearing Title: Whispers of a Memory My Upcoming Stories and Possibly Story Ideas Listed in alphabetical order. If you have any feedback for me ("I'd love to see you write that!" or "That's been done too many times" and so on) please, please message me! |