Author has written 6 stories for Gundam Wing/AC. Lancynth was born of insanity, a character all my own, a creature of contradiction and mischief and sly insights gained via indirect and sometimes confusingly convoluted paths.All characters are born from parts of their authors... I'm obsessed with Gundam Wing. Zechs is my favorite, if it's not obvious by my tales. A good tale told of him, in any pairing, draws me like a magnet. I don't review often, though--sorry! Majority I like, however, so I beg of those reading this who like similar things: Please Write More! I'm in grad school, a medical field that's NOT MD, but it's hard enough and time-consuming. So these tales may take some time to get up, though I keep writing bits and pieces at a time, as my time and mental energy allow. I write these purely for the pleasure of doing so, and put them up for those who want to read them can. I appreciate reviews (Thank you all who gave them, and I'm so glad you like it--and who knows, maybe I might take a request or two?). Flames will be laughed at insanely... because if you don't /like/ what's put up (it /is/ summarized and there /are/ warnings), only your own urge to inflict pain/displeasure on yourself is making you read it, and I'm the wrong person in a white coat to be talking to about it! Oh, if Fanfiction.Net goes down and you still want to read this stuff, or you want some of my newer stuff (sometimes), check out Rogue11's GW site: Good news! "Shades Of Grey" is a winner of Rogue11's Fanfiction Contest! Wow--never thought I'd actually win anything, but hey, it's encouraging! |
Alithiel and Arlyssa (18) Arana Suteshi (1) Callisto Nicol (42) Chibi Tsuki (12) | kc-chan (0) Kitsune Moonstar (345) Lady Dante (8) Madisonne (31) | Mirialdo (22) Mistress Noin (5) Phoenix Serapha (12) Purple Mouse (19) |