![]() Author has written 1 story for Bleach. -Xisaloi/cherryblossom hime's part- Konnichi wa! There isnt much to say about me other than I guess I am writer #1. Welcome to our profile page, lol. If you want to read information about me, you can refer to my solo penname, Cherryblossom hime. Yes, some of you may know me, or not. If you want info on me, check up that penname. P.S. just to let you know, Zangie-kun gives me way too much credit, lol. She's an amazing writer. Zangie-chan's Comments: Xisa-chan is so awesome! She's made so many fanfictions for Bleach's HitsuHina, and got so many reviews in all of them! Not to mention she converted me to HitsuHina-ism! To all of you who haven't read her fics, go read them now, though I doubt anyone has never read them. She's really friendly and did I mention she draws like a professional? You just have to be amazed by her. -Zangelmine/Poisoned Shinigami's part- Bonjour, fellow fanfic writers/fanfic readers/humble time-wasters. This is Writer Number Two, Zangelmine! More known as Poisoned Shinigami to those who know me at all. I've written one HitsuHina oneshot with a terribly absurd title. Also I have one HitsuHina chapter so far in The Orphanage, which is a series of Bleach oneshots. They can't compare with cherryblossom's a-thousand-and-one HitsuHina fics, though. They're all so much better than mine. Here's a little about me. Real Name: My mother and father named me but I don't like it because my sisters also have that name. So I change it around as I please, unless it's in school or something important. You can call me Jowy, it's the closest to my real name as you'll ever get. Age: Take a guess. Here's a hint: I've known Xisa-chan since the 8th grade. Birthday: Wow, I have the same birthday as that Aizen-taicho...Everyone will hate me! XDD I must be really evil! Weight and Height: I have no idea why people would want to know that, but...I'm not fat, not skinny. I'm...finny. Aha, I'm funny. I'm not tall, I'm not short. I'm...tort. I act like a fool. I talk like a fool. I sound like a fool. I look like a fool. But there's one thing I am not, ladies and gentlemen, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is a fool. I'm just someone who gets bored easily with all the normal things in life. I am officially addicted to chocolate. I think it would be easier for me to take up smoking and quit it than quit eating chocolate. That's how addicted I am to it. I like DEATH NOTE, the Suikoden Series, Star Ocean TTEOT, and Bleach. I also like D. Gay...erm..D. Grayman, but I have yet to make a fic for it. Poison is deeply interested in philosophy but I don't have the sources to learn more about it. Of course there's internet but once I'm on the comp I find myself magically transported to Myspace or Gaia or the great Fanfiction.net. It's weird. Ahaah. Xisa-Chan's Comment: Zangie-kun is a very talented writer, much better than I, I would have to admit. I am actually quite surprised she asked me to co-write with her, lol. She is an amazing drawer too, and once again, better than me, lol. She's a really fun person to hang out with too... and has an addiction to chocolate. You can bribe her to anything with chocolate, (hint, hint) Upcoming Stories: Athazagoraphobia Currenly in progress and will be posted soon. For now, we will give you a summary. Hinamori Momo and Hitsugaya Toushiro had the worst parting immaginable. It tore Momo apart. Many years later, she is an a mental asylum, suffering from athazagoraphobia, autophobia, and schizophrenia. One day, her phsychiatrist disapears, and she gets a new one. Her knew phschiatrist? It's none other than her childhood friend, Hitsugaya Toushiro. Momo doesnt remember him, she had forgotten all about it due to an accident. For what reason? What exactly happened? Why is she the way she is now? Can Toushiro help her return to the young girl he once knew, and what was his reason for tearing her apart? Romance/Mystery/Drama, HitsuHina and other side pairings. [Rated:T |