Author has written 10 stories for Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing/AC, Command & Conquer, Movie X-overs, World of Darkness, Hellsing, Misc. Comics, Anime X-overs, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Girls und Panzer/ガールズ&パンツァー.
I don't know if there are specific types of fanfic writers, but if there are, I'm the type who puts the US military in everything possible. Yeah, I'm crazy. But hey, it makes for a good anime fanfic.
One thing. I like to get reviews. They let me know what I'm doing right and what to correct, so please, review my stories, named or not. Seriously people, if I'm screwing up, I'd like to know. Not little details, but big picture.
Okay, I know it's been a long time since I've updated this profile, but I've just been hit with this and by God I'm not letting it slip away!
Twilight is the death knell of decent entertainment!!
You can have your own opinions, I respect that. But let's make a small comparison with another series named "Twilight".
Twilight serves to pander to what people already have enough of, done many times better
The Twilight Zone challenged us with ideas that people either wouldn't want to admit, only partially admitted, or had never thought of, while also pandering to the sponsors.
Twilight was the result of a dream. A DREAM! FROM SOMEONE ELSE!
The Twilight Zone was the result of all of humanity, of all of its mistakes, and of what we have yet to see.
Twilight has vampires and things that call themselves werewolves, without any lasting message.
The Twilight Zone had the supernatural, the paranormal, aliens, ghosts, mysteries, Hitler, THE DEVIL, etc, etc, and still manages to get across meaningful messages.
I ask you, which one should endure longer?