Author has written 13 stories for Sailor Moon X-overs, Harry Potter, Disney, and Lord of the Rings.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Most of my stories are slash. If you don't like it, don't read it--but do NOT bitch to me about it, okay? I mean seriously, I like flames as much as the next person, but please don't flame me about slash. It's annoying, and despite what you think, I am not a gay 40 year old man. Really, I'm not.PET PEEVES
The full, unabridged list: 1. People who have big egos. There is a thing called MODESTY out there, people, learn to use it! 2. People who write 'i kno my fic sux, but plz review ne way, im bad at summarys, so just read.' or the like for their summary for fics. 3. People who don't understand sarcasm...I mean, really. Wow. 4. Blind happiness. 5. Telemarketers. 6. People who are arguing with you, and don't listen to what you're saying because they're too busy preparing their next response. 7. Harry/Hermione fics. And Draco/Ginny. And Harry/Ginny. The only exceptions are the Draco series by Cassandra Claire. 8. Mary Sues. Breath LIFE into those characters, people! 9. People who critisize your work (non-constructively), and don't practice what they preach. 10. Flamers who are stupid. I realize the whole point of being a flamer is being stupid, but apparently I like oxymorons, too. 11. Bret Boone. Ugh. 'Nuff said. 12. People who complain--especially about things that they can't change. 13. Adultry. I hate adultry and cheating. In fics, in real life, I can't stand it. It makes me very sad.
'The Note': Recently I have been out of contact basically...everywhere. I mean, I respond to e-mails and talk on MSN, so I haven't been out in that sense, but I have in the sense of writing fics. The reason for that is simply because I've been busy, and have needed a break. The switch, however, is turned back on now. Thank you for waiting. Right now, I am not planning on writing onto Unspoken. That is officially dead. However, in the future, I may rewrite it. My biggest thing for now is The Wing of Things, which is dissimilar and similar at the same time. If that makes any sense whatsoever. I think that's it for now. Stay tuned.
Underwater Light http:///authorLinks/Maya/Underwater_Light/ By: Maya.
This story is's about Harry's latter years at Hogwarts while he's feeling depressed about Cedric's death. Voldemort's on the rise, and Professor Lupin has created a 'Young Order of the Phoenix'. The school is awry with disappearances, and in the midst of this there's Draco Malfoy. It's slash, and it's wonderfully funny and well written. By the same author as 'Draco Malfoy the Amazing Bouncing...Rat?'.