Author has written 11 stories for Twilight, Harry Potter, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Thor, and 100. PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS gutter.xromance! Name tag says, "Hello, my name is...": Kay Age: 25 Tools of my trade: An Asus K53E A little about me: ... I'm a work in progress. :) "I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak my whole life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people." - John Lennon I can't draw to save my life... this is the reason I write instead. My current catchphrase: "f*ck my life!" RIP Trouble RIP Stubby -ON MY HONOR AS A WRITER- Although I am a writer that asks for reviews at the end of an update I will never be an author that demands a certain amount of reviews before I post the next chapter. All I want is feedback, to know what my readers are thinking and if they're enjoying it. You guys have as much of an opinion on the way the story goes as I do. So if there is something you would like to see in a story let me know, and if I can find a way to fit it in there, I will! If there is something you believe I need to fix or work on, let me know! When I thank my reviewers in an update please do not think I am being disingenuous, I truly am flattered that you have chosen to review my story and I find myself saying "thank you" a lot, but I swear on my soul that I mean it to the depths of my being. I also promise to always thank my reviewers in my updates! Also, please do refrain from flaming me. If there is true and honest constructive critisim, that's fine and an entirely different matter. But do not comment on my stories (or anybody else's for that matter) merely to be spiteful. It is childish and rude. I post my stories with the full confidence that I have done the best I can and I will not have some petulant and caustic person trying to undermine that. Flames will be read, laughed at and deleted. Finally, on my honor as a fanfiction writer and a writer in general I do so swear from here on out (as of Sept. 8, 2010) to review EVERY STORY I read, even just once! I will offer constructive criticism, never be rude, and if I cannot find anything to give constructive criticism about then I will simply congratulate the author on a job well done. I think it's a little hypocritical of authors to ask for and expect reviews and yet they never leave a review on stories they read. How can you expect something that you never do for others? Give yourself good karma and review for other authors as your readers do for you. If you are a fanfic author who believes this as I do, then feel free to join me in this and be a part of it. YOU CAN NOW FIND ME ON TUMBLR! COME SAY HI! |
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