Author has written 2 stories for Twilight. Hey all you! Hey I'm Elvee. Believe it or not, that is NOT my real name. gasp i know. It is my INITIALS! I know all you are like "omigoodness, how good ELVEE be INITIALS?!?!?!" Well basically my initials are L and V, so using my math skills L+V=Elvee! I didn't make that up actually, my friends' mom did. You see, she was all like HEY Elvee, and there you have it. So there's the whole name origin. now for more about me (cause i know you wanna no ALL about me) My real name is Laura, i rather like my middle name better, Alane I love to bake, freakish i know I live in Washington I play girl's lacrosse, as a goalie and a middie I love twilight I'm 13, as of December 7th 2007 I enjoy ranting on topics that mean much to me I play piano I'm gonna buy a Macbook (white) after christmas I'm in 7th grade Have amazing friends Feel sorry for the preps because they are so preppy I don't feel like it is important to have a boyfriend until high school, cause it's not like it will go anywhere and whenever your around them people will stare at you and expect you to do something, and it will be all akward... And yes i AM allowed to have a boyfriend, just i don't feel it is necessary Rant time If anybody wants to PM me to give me THEIR definition of what the "popular" person is, feel free to, i will also add your definition under this if you say it's okay. So my whole thing about Popular people is, WHO ARE THEY. I know they aren't the prettiest people in the school, cause well my friend is pretty darn pretty, and she's not well what they call popular. Some say they are the people who wear Abercrombie and Hollister ect, well no, i wear it, so does that girl mentioned above, who is pretty darn pretty, and well we aren't popular. Oh and are they the people everybody knows? NO! because i know this really "large" kid, everybody hates him cause he acts like a know it all, and he is SOOO annoying, and EVERYBODY knows him, but is he poplular? NO! Is it that everybody likes the popular people, NO! cause i know i hate the people considered "popular". So this is what i ask you, WHO ARE THE POPULAR PEOPLE?! and what is YOUR DEFINITION!?!? (feel free to send your rant/definition to me and i will happily post it, it that is okay with you) All done ranting! yay! I think i might write a story from Edwards POV about twilight. sigh... I used to want to be an author when i was only a wee child but now i am leaning toward becoming a surgeon, maybe after writing the whole edward's pov twilight thingy my inspiration will come back to me... ? Anyway if i feel important and i get enough time between school and sports i might just write it... and also if you guys enjoy it. Thanks to all Happy holidays! |