Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. PROJECTS: Supposedly collaborating with author Manthara on her story "The Lotus Eater," but that's mainly on her part since she is quite aggressive in forcing me to write. Also 'endeavoring' to finish a Dramione lemon collaboration with Manthara, though we have been pretty lazy about working on it and no, we will not be handing around copies as Christmas presents. Also possibly doing a fun little rewrite of Bill and Fleur's wedding because that whole thing greatly disappointed me, and working on a romantic/angsty New Year's Eve themed story involving everyone. I like gazebos, homoerotic movies, and sushi. Favorite Books: Harry Potter, The Bell Jar, The Catcher In The Rye, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, The Alchemist, The Book Thief, The Red Tent, Luncheon Of The Boating Party, The Picture Of Dorian Gray. I enjoy the occasional (and by occasional I mean disgustingly often) trashy novel. |
lazer-angel (13) | mellaevan (5) |