Author has written 4 stories for How I Met Your Mother, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Once Upon a Time. o o Dug up an old fanfic account, changed the username, and voila. I wasn't going to make a fanfic account at first, but then I remembered not everyone hangs around in the LJ community. :P Livejournal: http:/// o o Books/Authors: Harry Potter, Discworld (mostly the witches stories), Garth Nix (Old Kingdom series, Keys to the Kingdom), Diana Wynne Jones (Chrestomanci, Howl's Moving Castle), Ella Enchanted, The Wish List, Ender's Game TV shows: How I Met Your Mother, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Seinfeld, 30 Rock Games: Halo, Ace Attorney, Ghost Trick, Pokemon Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Immortal Rain, Dengeki Daisy, Bakuman, Death Note, Witch Hunter, The World God Only Knows o Ships: Old Kingdom- Sabriel/Touchstone, Lirael/Nick HIMYM- Barney/Robin, Marshall/Lily, Ted/OC (in other words, the mother) BtVS- Buffy/Spike, Xander/Anya, Willow/Oz, Giles/Jenny, Faith/Robin, Spike/Dru (before season five) AtS- Fred/Wesley, Wesley/Lilah, Angel/Cordelia, Cordelia/Doyle Ace Attorney- Diego/Mia, Klavier/Ema, Phoenix/Maya, Edgeworth/Franziska, Edgeworth/Lana |