![]() Author has written 1 story for Stargate: SG-1. OK, Here is the quick rundown. I am 38 year old mom from Texas. Have two amazing kids and an amazing husband. I am a stargate fanatic, but this is my first time ever to submit stories (Yikes!). Hope everyone enjoys reading my stuff as much as I enjoy writing it. Wish me luck! Lincoln PS - Reviews and Critiques are always welcome. :-) UPDATES 02/11/10 Just a heads up for all the readers out there. I will be finishing Lady of Slaughter. My computer is giving me fits and I am unable to use it right now and the latest chapters are lost within its bowels, but do not fret. I am going to try and remember what I wrote and redo it so I can update again as soon as I can. Just be sure to know that I WILL FINISH THIS STORY!! It may be the last thing I do, but I will finish it. Thanks for all your patience everyone. Linc 08/28/08 STARGATE GEEKS RULE! According to my wonderful, if slightly misled husband (he does not get the greatness of the Stargate), my geekdom has been secured. Why would he believe that, you ask? (Okay, you didn't ask, but I will tell you anyway) A little backstory first. has this really great podcast every week where they go over the last weeks episode of Atlantis, general news, listener questions and comments etc. It is a great podcast and I listen to it every Wed. when it comes out. This, however; does not note me as a geek... well, okay it does... Anyway, they now have this call-in number where you can call in and comment on the weekly question. I was curious and decided 'what the heck. I'll check it out'. I called and left a comment about the weekly question (Why do you like Rodney McKay?) and forgot about it. Last night on the way home from work, I am listening contently to the podcast and low and behold at the end I hear my voice! I'm on the podcast, they used my call. Now I will not sit here and lie to you people and not say it wasn't cool...IT WAS AWESOME! So I go home and when the hubby get home I sync up the podcast and have him listen. He hears my voice and smiles. Then shaking his head he says. "Honey, You have just reached a new level of geekdom." My reply to this... Wait till I go to my first convention! 08/25/08 - For those of you who are currently reading my story you will note that my updates lately have been few and far between. My boss for the last three years, a wonderful man, has been slowing fading away from a cancerous brain tumor. It has been a difficult road for those of us who care about him, but more so for his wife and children. According to the doctors he will soon be free from pain (he is in terrible pain) and will soon end his life's journey. For those of you who pray, please remember this wonderful man (His name is Wayne) and his family. He is a dear man. Thank you everyone for being so patient with me. I will finish this story (promise!). We are nearing the final chapters and I will endeavor to bring them to you as soon as possible. Linc 07/01/08 - Can you say exhausted!! Today my family and I will be finishing a unbelievably exhausting move. Did we go far? No. Did we have help? Yes. Wonderful people! I love them much. Still I hate moving! I have informed my husband (who worked harder than all of us put together) that if we ever move again, we are paying someone else to do it. Period. Otherwise, I will only remove the things that I cherish, burn the rest to the ground and buy all new. Despite my gripping (who me? gripping?! Nnnooo, not me) I do love our new place. It just feels like home. Anyway, I should have my writing area up and going this week and back on the new chapter soon. With this out of the way and with the new place an actually writing area, I will be finishing up 'Lady of Slaughter' as soon as I can. Thanks everyone for holding in there. Linc 04/21/08 - Just letting everyone know that I have not fallen off the end of the earth. Things have been unbelievable crazy taking away from my writing time. I am now getting back into the swing of things and hope to update soon. THANKS everyone for being so patient. 03/12/08 - Just a quick "Hi" to anyone dropping by! I am considering offering my services as a story developer to anyone who may be interested. I will be looking into the practicality of the idea. If you read this and think it a good idea just PM me and let me know or if you would like some help yourself I would be thrilled to help out. I am a very good story developer and have been assiting my husband in developing screenplays for almost ten years now. Now if only the guys at MGM would hire me...now would that be a crazy ride! 02/14/08 - Happy Valentines Everyone! Hope you have a sweetie to spoil you and if you don't...then spoil yourself!! Sorry for the delay on Chapter 30. I should have it out by this weekend. I found out someone close to me has cancer in his brain (in an inoperable area) and it has made writting difficult to concentrate on. However I am now almost finished with this chapter and will have it out soon. 01/27/08 - I have added two subjects to the Lady of Slaughter forum for anyone who would like to throw around some ideas with others. The first is "Is Sam Really Dead?" the other discussed the disappearence of Jaffa and the dead symbiotes being found. Have fun with them! 01/24/08 - Woo Hoo! Made it through the holidays and into the new year. Sorry for the slow updates. Everything is back to normal (well as normal as life can get) and I will be able to update more often now. Hooray!! Any way thanks again to everyone for reading. I really appreciate your reviews and encouragements! Have a great day! Sincerely, Lincoln 12/12/07 - Just a heads up for anyone who may be interested. I have put up a forum for my story Lady of Slaughter for anyone who may have questions about the story (which I will be happy to answer) or simply wish to discuss/debate what is going on with in the story. The story has a lot of twists and turns which can make a person go..."Wait! Is that right?" As a matter of fact that statement is used alot by me while I am writing. I should have a new chapter up and out this weekend. Thanks again for reading! |