Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, and Sherlock. Hi :) More or less done with a johnlock named 'You can hear the wind', it's being betaed and I hope to start posting in a week or so. Right now I'm writing 'Rage' sequel to 'Silence'. (See? I've put it on my profile, I'm commited!) For those who are concerned that the story is Ginny/Blaise, fear not! Draco/Ginny is my OTP. ooo I'm Serinah80 at livejournal. You can also contact me through there. :) Cheers! ooo I BELIEVE IN SHERLOCK HOLMES...AND MORIARTY WAS REAL ... I, Serinah, do solemnly swear to review all fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age or anything else. I have joined the Review Revolution. Now go, and do likewise. ooo And remember, I never have and never will write Blaise/Ginny.
BTW, my icon is done by Red Scharlach. Googel her homepage, she has some awesome stuff there. |
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