Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Ashanta here. I write mostly for my own enjoyment, but when I do crawl out of my hermit's cave, I occasionally post stuff in here that I think is at least somewhat worthy of another human being looking at it and not being horribly offended or repulsed. I've written now four Harry Potter fics...that actually don't have to do anything with Harry, but my favorite characters and slash couple, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, and for some reason, Justin Finch-Fletchley and Cedric Diggory. Don't ask, I'm just as confused as you are. Hufflepuff's don't get nearly enough love as they should. I'm a Ravenclaw myself, but...shutting up now. I am way too involved in this fandom... I've now authored one (short) The OC story, and my first. Maybe I'll write more later on, once I get out of my HP kick a little. Likes: Other people's drama, cheese, well-written slash, reading between the lines, laughing at badly written Mary-Sues, anything involving Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, The OC, Good Omens, Rupert Grint's underage hotness, sock puppets, snarky people at TWoP, Fametracker, and Deleterius; drawing, writing, and reading. And knowledge. Because I'm a Ravenclaw. Shut up. Dislikes: Stupidity, Sue-Author's who get bitchy, ugly patterns, jay-walkers, people who take up half a page with character descriptions, leet-speak, teenagers who make us other teenagers look bad, not finishing books I say I'm going to finish, and bitch-ass-punks. Also, punk-ass-bitches. |