Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Hmmmm, I'm being . . . censored. I apologize to everyone who has been asking for updates and information on where my fiction will be moving to.In all honesty I considered discontinuing the series, simply because I wasn't working on my novel and the idea of someone's child stumbling across, for example, "Harm," was definately disturbing. However, I do want to finish the series and give the characters a chance to have their stories told through my eyes. I am in the process of creating a website, , which I hope to have completed and on-line by early November. If I should complete a chapter (almost every story has a chapter nearly complete, and a couple new stories are ready to roll out) I will send an email notification to those who want it, and send the chapter directly to you, if you'd like. I've also archived quite a bit on Black and Silver on Yahoo groups. (Hmm, a lazy consideration could be forming a Yahoo group for this sort of thing. Yeah, that's a consideration too . . .) At any rate, keep an eye on your mailbox and on this space for updates. Thank you so much for your interest and support, "The Lover's Quartet" has expanded to encompass thirteen novelettes, each complete in and of themselves. There are two series and several stand-alone works. They can be read in any order, and parallel chapters will be noted as required. Here is the list of stories, in chronological order, though only a few of them are currently available: Silvering: Meditation on Wolf with Moon (Lover's Quartet, Remus Lupin.) This series, in it's entirity, is referred to as "The Luminous." Other: As I Sat Sadly by Her Side (Lucius and Ophelia.) Work carries ever onward. Look for more chapters soon! Love you all, Note: If you'd like me to notify you about updates, please send me an email at the address above. Blank with 'add' in the subject line will work just fine. |