Author has written 1 story for Supernatural. Hey everyone!!! Larisa and Nadia here, we finally decided to get an account on here...been reading fics for a while and started one we've kinda gotten obsessed :DD We love making fanvids, and they can all be viewed through our YouTube Channel if you feel like taking a look. Proud members of the Supernatural FaNily :D Well, hmmmmm a bit about ourselves hey? well we are identical twins, 17, though turn 18 in a couple of weeks YAY! Live in South Australia, though were born in England. Always loved writing and reading. Obsessed with Supernatural hehe, though we also watch heroes, prison break, the 4400, smallville and a few aussie shows. So sorry if we spell things randomly compared to you american's and the rest of you hehe |
angelkisses87 (11) Dream Horizon (10) historylover (55) | inthedeepxx (1) J.A. Carlton (50) Lilwazzabug (28) | sams1ra (31) |