![]() Author has written 2 stories for Pokémon. Ukrainian-American Pokémon fan, check out my YT for updates sometimes on current fanfic Thanks for the betrayal’s main cast: Ash Mallow Ilima Hau Gladion Selene (female player character in SM) Kiawe Lillie Sophocles Lana Important but not as important characters : Kukui Burnet Kahunas Lusamine Character soon to be revealed Thanks for the betrayal, and Alola to a new adventure teams (so far) Ash: Servine(female) Trumbeak(male) Rowlet(male) Rockruff(male) Litten(male) Mallow: Steenee(female) Hau: Dartrix(male) Pichu(male) Noibat(female) Selene: Popplio(male) Buneary(male) Kiawe: Charizard (male) Turtonator(male) Sophocles: Togedamru (female) Ilima: Eevee(male) Kangaskan(female) Gumshoos(female) Smeargle(male) Lana: Popplio(female) At home: Lapras(male) Lillie: Alolan Vulpix named Snowy(female) Things about me: 12 year old, love to exercise and live somewhere in USA. Name is Alex, no more info other than twitter and YT Twitter(I don’t tweet but this best way to message me for questions): (Also I don’t buy shinies or anything because I’d get whooped if I did so don’t sell me stuff) YouTube:(another way to message me and I post teasers for upcoming chapters): https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCLIvsEoDkw6NSlSfJwTWKvg |