Suicidal Dream1
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Joined 11-21-01, id: 129488
Well I have offically been plagerised. Someone who went to my site copy and pasted the stories and claimed them as their own. So I had to remove them. Sorry to anyone who liked them.


Well all good things must come to an end...and that's why you have to have a back up plan.
So fanfiction has decided to be a little shit and take away all the bandfiction. WEll, I decided to start my own site^ see link above. From now on I am going to post there, as soon as I can fiugure out how to use the fucking thing...ah's being explained to me...

I will be putting links to where my fav authors are posting and such so yeah, stop by the site and read and reply and have fun.


Okay i have a confession to make. All the little teeny boppers in the Linkin Park and Korn catagorey have kind of scared me away and onto private websites. There is just too much crap flooding right now. I think Sloane,ladystyle, LTW and almost The Muse have been scared away too.Guy's if you see this we have to do something to take back our writing. There is a sequel to my fic," Help Me Stay Alive" eing written by a friend. It will also appear n the website below, I assume. I will write something more, though i doubt it will be read by many because the slash section in the LP and Korn sections are getting ridiculous...anyway i am off now for a hiatus until things calm down. Feel free to email me...

NEW FIC! Help Me Stay Alive! this also appears on a website of a friends: http:///korns_dolly/anotherkindofpain.html

I thought I'd update this soooooo...
i'm twenty and live in Ontario, Canada...i hate english and i suck at it(according to my ex-teachers), but i spend most of my spare time writing. I like alot of different hardcore music and industrial goth. I am goth/freak of nature...hmmm...makes sense...

NEW Art Work by Zort! As with Kathrin, wirte me if you want to see!

Now if you would like to see a work of art drawn by Kathrin for my story A Twisted Scenario just email's really good. She has also done some art for check it out! I don't have support service's so i can't post the pic myself.

*Works in Progress*

-Something with Sloane...i'm a procrastinator...I'm sorry

-A new lp fic...but I need help...who do i pair Chester up with this time? Send me an email!

well.uh...yeah...*cough*...just read my stuff.

Oh yeah...

See you all later (feel free to contact me at the above email:))
