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Author has written 5 stories for Heroes. For those of you reading this story that are huge fans of Heroes, as I obviously am, I want to recommend my favorite Heroes site on the web. Now that Heroes is going to be starting up again in a matter of a few days, please join us at http://. All of the action takes place on the message boards. Come and join us for some refreshingly intelligent conversation. Hi! A little about me: I live in Northern California. Although I am new to the Fan Fiction forum, I am no stranger to writing. I have been a technical writer for several years and I have two yet unpublished childrens books. I am a mom to a first-grader. On the exterior, I look like any other suburban soccer mom...I even drive the mini van. But MY mini van has purple flames! tehe! The kids all call it "The Hotwheels Van"! But like I said, that is exterior only. Inside I have very dark tastes. In addition to Heroes, I love Phantom of the Opera, Dracula, Charmed. I love anything to do with SciFi, Fantasy, or the supernatural. I am an engineer by college degree, but I found I am better at theory than I am practice, so I work as a technical writer. I am also a web designer and a graphic artist. To those of you who have been reading my stories this far, from the very bottom of my heart…THANK YOU! I hope you are enjoying reading them as much as I love writing them. Author's Blog April 22, 2010 Hello Everyone. It has been a while since I spoke with you last. As always I am grateful for your continued support of my projects, even though it has been getting fewer and further between updates. I am finishing up the current arc of To Fight Another Day after chapter 29 (which will be coming any day as it is 99 written) and will be delving into Burning The Picket Fence again. I can't believe it has been close to a year since my last update. Damn! Where does the time go? This story will be finishing up in the next 8 chapters; however plenty of room will be left for a sequel. So what do you all think? Will Heroes be renewed for S5? I hope so! I don't want to stop writing these stories as there are no shows on at the moment which inspires my passion to write. So lets get those letters to NBC and tell them we want to keep our show! No Sylar during the hiatus is torture enough. Happy Earth Day and I will talk again soon! Love Onyx June 1, 2009 I apologize to To Fight Another Day fans that it has been so long between updates. Between work/family/life my fan fics have had to take a back burner and though I am as passionate about them as I was when I first started, it is because my daughter is growing into a beautiful and amazing young lady with whom I enjoy spending more time with and she wins my extra time hands down. :-) Gotta get that in before she becomes a teenager and hates my guts. LOL However you will hopefully be pleased to hear that I have an update coming that should be coming up either later tonight or tomorrow. I am particularly proud of this update because I started going in one direction with it and then I realized it was not characteristic of Laura to act the way I was writing her (it will be abundantly clear when you read it). So she gets her bitch up and takes control! I hope you have been enjoying my collaboration with my pal Synch on Buring the Picket Fence the last two chapters. Synch is a great writer and an all around great guy to work with and his input has brought this story a shot in the arm for me. His characters Havoc and Maddie are his from his stellar fic Let Slip The Dogs of War. It is here on FF; check it out! I enjoy the interaction of our characters Havoc and Sarah and Maddie's flitty personality has been a blast to write. The one character we have in common is Elle who is written very differently in each of our stories. We have found common ground to incorporate both our Elles and I think we have created a believable solution. Again...I am a review whore, so please leave a review to let me know how you enjoy my stories or if you don't please leave some constructive criticism. For those of you who enjoy reading Path of Least Resistance I believe I will not be continuing this...at least not for a while and then it will be a reboot. When I started it was going to be a one shot or a very short story, but I started adding to it and it became a mess in my brain. I enjoy my lead characters Ally and Jesse, but truthfully until I finish TFAD and BTPF I just don't have it in me to take on another fic right now. Perhaps once I am done with either one of these I will breath new life into this. February 18, 2009 Hey look! Another blog in less than a week! In one of my reviews for my new story Path of Least Resistance, I was quickly reminded that I changed gears between telling the story in the first person to my usual third person method. I felt this requires an explaination. One of my favorite stories on this site is a gem called Let Slip The Dogs of War by my good friend Synch. It is an Elle-centric story and if you like a good read, I highly recommend it. I have always loved the way Synch tells the story in the first person and I got to wondering how I would do with this, so I opted to give it a try. While I enjoyed doing it for the first chapter, but I soon realized that this is just not my writing style. I have several stories taking place at once and it was just not working, so I went back to the traditional method. Thanks for reading! Love Onyx! February 14, 2009 Greetings! I have been looking at the traffic for my stories and I am happy to see I have a lot of visitors from other parts of the world! I can't tell you how much this excites me! I know Heroes is well loved in the Americas and the UK, but seeing fans from countries like Sweden, Norway, New Zeland, Australia, Germany, France, Belguim, etc is just awesome! Thank you for reading/viewing! I hope you have been enjoying my Heroes stories. I apologize that my updates are fewer and further between, but I am back at work again. I have given up the geek life with an 8x8 cubicle for a much larger office...thats right...I am working to become a teacher. I work with second graders and I never thought I could love what I do so much. Kids rock! As always, thank you so much for your support. And I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback! Love, January 24, 2009 Greetings one and all. And a belated Happy Holidays. I hope you all had a fun safe Holiday Season. To my Burning the Picket Fence readers, my strongest apologies for taking so long to update. Yes, 4 months is a long time. However, I am on a role again and the action is kicking up a few notches. I am also in the process of adding a new character to the mix; Michael "Havoc" Torres. He is the central character to my pal Synch's story Let Slip the Dogs of War. If you have not checked this story out, please take some time and do so; especially if you are a fan of Elle as she is the other central character in this story. You may have noticed I have also started a new story called The Path of Least Resistance. I had the idea for this come to me almost a year ago about a female rock star who creates her own pyrotechnic display. While the story has evolved into a new direction, the theme about a young woman with abilities who aspires to grace the cover of Rolling Stone has remained. She and her twin brother will run into some faces familar to us (including HRG, Sylar, Peter, Nathan and Angela). This will not be a long story like BTPF and TFAD. I really wanted to get it going while it was in my head. And To Fight Another Day is about to get brutal. As you no doubt have read in the last chapter, Laura was taken by Catherwood. I wish I could say Laura will kick his ass and get back to Gabriel quickly, but sadly this will not be a short visit (but not long and drawn out either). This will have devistating circumstances. So I am working on the next BTPF and will have chap 38 ready to go shortly. Thanks again for reading! You guys ROCK! Onyx August 28, 2008 Hello All. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's been a busy couple of months. I am pounding away on chap 34 of BTPF and it shoudl be up either tomorrow or Saturday. A lot of action is going to take place with Sarah. There will be some heartaches and a lot of angst. It will get worse before it gets better, but I hope you will enjoy the ride. TFAD is also going to be kicking up into high gear. I aluded to something big happening at the end of the last chapter. It will not be a quick to their issues, but they will be fighting a battle with Catherwood and Seneca. In fact there will be an EWWWWWWW moment. So why did I write Adam out of the story so abruptly? Well, I originally had plans him to be who Seneca is now. But in rewatching him in S2, I just don't see Adam is being hellaciously evil the way Seneca is. He is misguided and has some warped ideas about how to save the world, but I just don't see him as evil to the core. So Adam became Seneca. Anyway, I hope you are enjoying these stories as much as I enjoy writing them. Thank you again for your support. It means so much to me. July 16, 2008 Yes Onyx is still alive. Just busy with life in general. My apologies again to my Building the Picket Fence readers as I have reached an arc in To Fight Another Day that I want to get through. However, you will be happy to know that I am working on chapter 33 simutaneously (the skeleton is layed out!) and I should have it out by the end of the weekend. And speaking of BTPF, starting in chapter 36 or 37, I will be introducting a new character named Havoc (Hav for short). My good friend and fellow author Synch has a badass story called Let Slip the Dogs of War where Hav is featured. Since our characters Sarah and Hav are alike in temperment and skills, we thought it would be fun to collaborate. If you want a visual, picture Cyclopse from XMen and you pretty much have Havoc. Since LSTDOW takes place in the past, the upcoming chapter will feature a teenage Sarah in her "goth" phase fighting Hav. It was our first collaboration and Synch did an excellent job capturing Sarah's persona. Check his story out. I know you will like it. In TFAD, the gang is home! Laura is fighting off her desires for Gabriel. She has some issues to work through, but you know she won't be able to resist him for long. LOL Once everyone is settled in again, the fighting will commence. Look for some things that may have been long forgotten to resurface (i.e.: the ring...the Armada Rose); items mentioned in EITD, but took a back seat for the remainder of the story. SPOILERS (scroll down) BTPF - Sarah will ask Sylar to marry her. Sarah will meet another one of her brothers; she has met her match. Sarah is going to unintentionally break Sylar's heart. A friend from Sarah's past comes into her life again. When Sarah's life is in danger, she will need to flee. TFAD Laura and Gabriel are teleported to a far away place and exiled to work through theier problems. They WILL work through their problems. Look for them to spend several steamy days in a warm tropical climate. Chocolate will play a huge part in their reconciliation The compound will be discovered by Seneca The gang will fight and fight hard! One of the group will be devistated by some sad news. May 29, 2009 I wanted to take a moment to apologize to the Burning the Picket Fence readers that I haven't had an update in a while. I will have an update for mid-week or so. I am in a pretty crutial part in To Fight Another Day that wanted to finish up with a huge cliffhanger before I can focus on BTPF again. But it is coming and you will be happy. May 16, 2008 So I found this wonderful site called Hero Machine (thank you Red Vector!) where you can create your own hereos. I made composites of how I picture my characters in my stories. The Web Address for this site is http:///channels/comics/heromachine2/heroMachine2.asp. Check it out...it's great fun: So as promised, you finally get a face to put with the name for each of the characters. They are not exact as I was limited to what was available for me to work with. Example, Laura's face and body are pretty dead on, but her hair is longer and more flowing that what is depicted, and Catherwood's beast form is MUCH more firghtening as I could not duplicate the tongue with teeth and the firey yellow eyes. . However, characters like Brandon, George, Kevin, etc are pretty dead on. Enjoy! I would love to know waht you think. I will have Burning the Picket Fence locked and loaded very soon. Tortured Souls Trilogy Characters Laura Ryan just being herself From Tortured Souls: Laura's friend Tracy Laura's beautiful mother, Elizabeth Our lovable desert friends - 1513 Sibohan Catherwood The lady that started it all - Grade Malone I will have the Building the Picket Fence characters up soon. March 26, 2008 - So the other day a friend of mine hit me over the head and told me I needed to update my blog. Since I don't think I have updated since the middle of EITD, I thought this would be a really good time to start over. First I am going to talk about Burning the Picket Fence. I have had it said to me by many of you that the pairing of my OC Sarah Noonan with Sylar is like the rebirth of Sid and Nancy (as smithsbabe65 said, they Sid and Nancy reborn...again...and again...and again). And this is not by accident. But whoever thougt Sylar could be in a relationship and be the more "normal" of the two? When I sat down to write this story, I wanted to write something dark and angsty. I wanted a character as messed up as Sylar. I think Sarah fits the bill. But I didn't just her to be evil...there had to be a reason for her issues and little by little I am letting you in on those issues. Early on I gave her a golden lab named Butterscotch. Now you would expect somebody like Sarah to have a panther or a cobra for a pet, right? Well, this was clueing you in to the fact Sarah has many layers. On the surface, she is dark, abrasive, and just downright scary. But as I have tried to convey, inside she is very fragile. Not many of the people around her know this about her, but Sylar is beginning to see the big picture. And whoever thought that Sylar would be the saner participant in ANY relationship. But you think you know it all now, huh? Oh, just you wait! Another HUGE twist is coming! Now I have always known in my mind what Sarah looks like, but there really was never a celebrity or well known person that I could liken her too...until now. The other day when I was reading the blog for the movie "The Fast and the Furious 4" (and Vin Diesil is back!! YUM!!), I came across a photo of an Isriali actress named Gal Gadot and I screamed OMG!! THATS SARAH!! So I created a graphic to go along with the story which you can see here: . http:///image/gif/1f2253565f71b77bd69335339a7f39ced29bd2b.gif Ok...so now I have discussed BTPF, so it is on to the Tortured Souls Trilogy and my final installment "To Fight Another Day". Laura and the gang are back...less of them this time. I tried to incorporate too many characters...OC's and otherwise and it got WAY too confusing. I started a lot of scenarios that never saw the light of day (Claire with Mr. Yamagatti's nephew...just got stuck on the back burner and never happened). But you will definately be seing Laura, Gabriel, Brandon, Peter, Hiro, Mohinder, Noah, Niki Nathan and George. Oh...and Angela will be back. When and how...well, I think I'll just let that be a surprise. So the first two chapters have been written with the story taking place two years after EITD leaves off. Gabriel is in a George Stepanoplis type position in the White House's effed up administration under Catherwood. He is being romantically linked to an Angela Jolie type actress and since hs is so good looking, the media loves him! Laura right now...not so much! Or that is what she would have you think. She is holding a huge grudge which was the catalyst by which she fights. But will she hold a grudge against him forever? Oh, probably not! Common people! These two are sheer magic in the bedroom...sooner or later they are going to run into each other. There will be fireworks as usual. Probably not on the first meeting...she is still pretty pissed at him and right now she needs that anger, but not even Laura can stay mad forever...especially not at Gabriel. Just to give you a little bit of a tidbit of whats to come, expect some of the gang from S2 to be joining them (No not Maya...WAY too awkward and this was based on events that began in S1, so in this alternate universe, Maya never met Sylar and Alejandro is still alive somewhere). No...these will be some likable folks that rise like the blues to the occasion! :-) But what would a love story be without conflict. Look for somebody to come into Laura's life that may or may not give Gabriel some competition. Thanks again for reading! I hope you continue to enjoy this story. If you have any constructive criticism, praise or suggestions, please feel free to contact me...and of course, I am a review whore, so REVIEW PLEASE!! Love Onyx |
Red Vector (0) smithsbabe65 (16) | Synch (0) TMM1205 (3) Unlikely Hiro (2) | Vintage Writer (0) |