![]() Author has written 4 stories for Chronicles of Narnia, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Harry Potter. Hey! I figured I'd update my profile, seeing as the last time I changed it was 5-30-08, which was, well, when I made it exactly a year ago. So much has changed since then. Well, the basics would be: I'm sort of weird and little bit out there, but I prefer 'quirky.' I used to be incredibly talkative, but now I'm rather quiet in crowds and a real chatterbox around my little group of friends. I love to write, and fanfiction is definately my strong suit, because every time I attempt a story of my own creation it falls flat. I used to LOVE anime, but I don't watch it much anymore. I love music, and I do absolutely nothing without a soundtrack; I can't even do homework without something playing. I detest country, though, and the majority of rap songs. I love, LOVE to read, and can rarely be found without a book somewhere. All of this makes me, well, quirky, and most people don't like putting up with me. Not that I blame them. I do have my close-knit group of friends who tolerate my insanity. As for things here, I'm working on a new story, but it might not be up for a while. I have a one-shot that I'm editing, and I'll post that soon. Generally I update very quickly unless the story is on hiatus; if it is, I'll post an Author's Note about when I'll resume updating. Constructive critisism is welcome, and if you insist on ranting senselessly on how awful my writing is, well, that's OK too. I've been writing fanfiction since I was ten and starting watching Naruto, and back then it...sucked. A lot. I sincerely hope I've improved since then. I've been here for about a year or so. I'm a fan of: Twilight (haters, bring it on) Harry Potter The Host Scott Westerfield's Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras: the best futuristic utopia story EVER Anything by Madelaide L'Engle, the master at unraveling the strings that hold together society Anything by Jerry Spinelli, the master at forcing us to dig deep and ask the questions whose answers we're afraid of Inkheart, Inkspell, and Inkdeath, and anything else Cornelia Funke: the best fantasy books and the most real, believable, impossible story ever with characters so three-dimensional I find myself looking over my shoulder for Gwin and listening for Dustfinger when I light a candle. Anything by Lois Lowry, second only to Scott Westerfield at creating the perfectly flawed utopian facade and the characters to shatter it The show Big Bang Theory, the only TV show besides the Golden Girls for which I bother to find the airing time and schedule around it Sharon Creech's Walk Two Moons, the shockingly poingant story of Sal that had me sobbing by the end and wondering truly whether, 'in the course of a lifetime, will it matter?' The Chronicles of Narnia, Edmund especially, and defiantely both of the movies I am a fan of Twilight, and Edward is a nice and fluffy daydream character, but he's not real and never will be. I'm not in love with Robert Pattinson, because no one really is, they're all in love with Edward, and he's the face they put to the name. So, you get the gist of me. A verbose, music-obsessed, reading-infatuated, quirky, writer. I really could have skipped the whole profile thing and just written that last sentence. I love you all! Go, and read, and I hope you enjoy. Gwen |