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Joined 10-21-19, id: 12845358, Profile Updated: 07-17-20

Permission Needed Characters:

The Crownlands Royal Family

King of the Crownlands

Queen of the Crownlands

Prince of the Crownlands

Princess of the Crownlands

Prince of the Crownlands - reserved

The Reach Royal Family

King of the Reach - filled

Queen of the Reach - filled

Prince of the Reach

Prince of the Reach - filled

Full Name:

Titles They Have (if any):



Attitude Towards Sex and Sexuality (are they homophobic? thoughts on bastards?)

Religion (and how devout they are):

Appearance (what they look like, include identifying features, scars, birthmarks, moles, etc):

Weapons (if they use any):

Personality (try to keep it within 3 paragraphs, so be detailed but concise):

Family Life (include each member of their family, unless i’m waiting on the character):

Character Background/History:

Types of People They Like:

Types of People They Dislike:

How They Treat Enemies:

How They Treat Superiors:

How They Treat Inferiors:

How They Handle Their Emotions (anger, sadness, betrayal, nerves/fear, etc):

Strengths (both mental & physical):

Weaknesses (mental & physical):

Fatal Flaw:



Romantic Relations (basically romantic history, would they have bastards, people they’d be attracted to):

Ideas for Their Death:

Plot Ideas (as many as you can come up with, optional):

Examples of Dialogue/Quotes (things they would say 3-6):

Anything I Missed?: