Author has written 4 stories for Discworld. Otherwise known as TheMidgetBee, Ficus-Avenger is a human chameleon, in that she likes to go around blinking slowly at people and frequently changing outfits so she'll blend in with her surroundings. Unfortunately, everything she owns is in black so she hardly ever leaves the house during the day. This may go some way to explaining her obssession with all things Discworld. Her reasoning behind the creation of her alto-ego to TheMidgetBee persona can be summarised thus: "People were yelling at me for a MidgetBee story and I wanted to go and hide under a different name". She attributes this need for a myriad of aliases to an affinity for Moist von Lipwig and his practices, but really it is due to her not wanting to be yelled at. Yelling is bad, y'see. Ficus-Avenger is something of a reviewavore, or as she likes to call it, a review-whore. This means that she will go to almost any lengths to ensure a positive review of her stories, provided it doesn't actually mean she has to do anything different, or anything at all really. Once again, she likes to ascribe this to a likeness for a Discworld character but it's just because she's lazy. It certains explains why her stories are hardly updated. |