Author has written 3 stories for Death Note.
Hello, I'm silenceinthedarkness
if you guys haven't noticed, the image on my profile is now a picture for my story: I have always loved apples. Sorry it's so small, but if you want a bigger picture, message me and I can try to send you one.
About Me:
-I am the youngest of 8 kids (my dad remarried)
-I am a geek
-I love being a geek
-anime, harry potter, lord of the rings, zelda, mario kart...those are just a few of my favorite geek topics
-I love to sing and dance like no ones looking
-I'm a senior in highschool
-My highschool is a boarding school
-I'm a hopeless romantic (which I guess is why all my stories are so cheesy, and depressing :3)
-I really do love apples
-I also love to talk about movies, actually I love to critique movies
-I wanna major in musical theatre and english with a minor in costume design
-I have two cats named Cleo(my baby) and Scribbles(my brat)
-The number one place in the world I'd love to be right now is Europe...anywhere away from here
-For Christmas, my middle brother of 29 took me to Disneyland, and that was the most fun I've had in ages
-A boy has broken my heart, and several boys have stomped on it
-What I love in life is sitting in a park on a perfect day listening to the wind blow gently through the trees
-AND I am a procrastinator
What I Like To Write About:
-Death Note
-Harry Potter
-Lord of the Rings
Problem is, I procrastinate so much on writing all of them...I'm a work in progress.
I now have a Deviant Art account! check me out! haha :3