Author has written 33 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Escaflowne, Lord of the Rings, and Prison Break. Hi there, I'm MistressAli. I'm just another fanfic writer. I've always liked to write, and fanfiction was the perfect way to express it. I love digging into my favorite characters and writing atrocious stories, that hopefully, people enjoy reading. One of these days, I might churn out something original. But until then, I might as well practice to make perfect, right? :) Most of my fanfiction are within the Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM) fandom, with just a touch of the Archie Sonic comic thrown in for flavor. Most of the fics center around Robotnik's beaten-down and snarky little nephew, Snively, who I have quite the fondness for, and have enjoyed digging into his twisted little mind in a number of different stories and scenarios. Be afraid, be very afraid, my friends! Most of my Sonic fics are pretty old and suck hard. Enjoy them as you would a B-movie that is so bad that it's awesome. I also write The Walking Dead fanfictions (under the user name Lupienne.) Deviantart (I do arts too! Not very well! OMG) lupienne . deviantart . com Tumblr lupienne . tumblr . com |