Author has written 3 stories for Stargate: SG-1. DinkyJo: A Synthesis of Dinkydow and JoleneB Hi, I'm the Dinky half of DinkyJo, otherwise known as Dinkydow. JoleneB and I decided to team up to better whump Jack O'Neill of SG-1. I live on a farm in the Ozarks in the state of Missouri and write in my spare time. Jolene and I have gotten to be great friends and decided that we would be a good fit as co-writers too. Between the two of us hopefully we will be able to provide our readers with some entertainment. Thank you to all of you who take the time to read our efforts, we would be nothing without you. And I'm JoleneB, the Jo part of DinkyJo. Certainly not the least, but unwilling to be the most, I'd rather follow than lead, I lead too much in real life. I'm a Reader turned Writer. My admiration for what Dinky does is what got us together, our friendship now has us so closely welded at the hip we get sick at the same time. LOL I live in Oregon. A geologist by training I make my living in an office. I'm the camper, hiker, sailor. Owner of two telescopes and a small library that rivals the town I live in. I never foresaw writing as something I'd ever do, but here I am. Welcome to our world of whump. Our most popular victim: Jack O'Neill. Contact Information Dinkydow: http: //www. fanfiction .net/dinkydow ; web site -- Dinkyfic at JoleneB. com JoleneB: http: //www. fanfiction .net/joleneb ; web site -- JoleneB. com (Please be aware that web site addresses contain spaces that need to be removed for them to properly work.) |