Queen Biatch
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Joined 03-07-07, id: 1232101
Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter.


I have recently just joined with FanFiction and I'd like to say I'm enjoying it so far! So, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself then (The following contains adult situations and probably isn’t suitable for those weak at heart).


My name is Anastacia. I am 22 and I’m currently residing in Australia. I’ve had a pretty hard life so far. I grew up in poverty near the outskirts of a city in New Zealand. My father was killed in a train accident before I was born and my mother had an alcohol addiction. She committed suicide a few months before I turned twenty.

As a teenager, I was raised by my friendly neighbour since my Mum was never around. When my neighbour was brutally murdered in a hold up, I became very rebellious. I fell pregnant at the young age of 16 and was so scared I didn’t tell anybody, not even the father.

One day, a teacher of mine noticed I wasn’t feeling very well and tried to convince me to go to the clinic. I objected, but as she went to grab my hand as I tried to make a run for it, I turned and she put two and two together and decided I was pregnant.

She rushed me to the hospital and ordered a doctor to check me over. I was alright, but it was too late for anything to be done about the pregnancy. I gave birth prematurely and attempted to contact the father. He didn’t believe that the child was his and bared me from ever finding him again.

I lost all my money looking after my little girl, Lily, and soon wound up on the streets. An old friend of mine (Tim) from day care found me one day and offered me a home. I accepted. He moved to Australia with his family and offered me a life there. There was nothing I had left in New Zealand so I packed up my and Lily’s possessions and flew over there with them.

Once I was twenty, I received news of my mother’s death. I wasn’t as upset as I should had been, but I still held a memorial for her in Australia. After a year of dating Tim, he proposed and I said “YES”! We are now married and a happy family. Lily just turned five and is starting school. I am unemployed, but Tim is earning more than enough for all of us with his very own law firm. We both don't act our age and seem a lot younger than we are.

I spend my days trying to contact Lily’s father and any relatives I may still have. Tim is very supportive of it and is trying to help any way he can. The other day I found a lead to my grandmother on my father’s side. I have her number but I still haven’t brought up the courage to ring. Wish me luck!

And that’s my life up until now. I’ll probably update my situation weekly, so watch out. The newest updates are down the bottom and the oldest are near the top:)



Yay! I rang the number. It is my grandmother. We spoke for hours. She has organised to fly over to Australia from England where she is living and meet with me. I haven’t told her about Lily yet so she’ll have a big surprise. She is fairly young. My mother and father were only a little bit older than I was when they had me. I’m counting down the days! Three more weeks!



I called my grandmother again. She wasn't feeling very well so we didn't talk for long. My grandfather took the phone off her after a while so she could get some rest. I must admit that I find it hard to understand his accent. We talked about anything and everything. He even agreed to take me to the Harry Potter theme park when it opens. SO EXCITED! 18 more days!

Queen B xoxox

This is a Bunny. Copy and paste this bunny into your profile to help him gain world domination.

For he will rule the world.

One profile at a time

The Way Women Work reviews
Marauder Era. Sirius fought with his brother and the Slytherins are out for revenge. Remus was caught in the crossfire and now...he is a little more feminine. Thank God for pillow fights, face creams, chocolate and sleep overs because poor Lupin has PMS.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,230 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 8/11/2007 - Published: 8/10/2007 - Remus L.