Author has written 11 stories for Ninja Turtles. I'm far too old to be writing about cartoon turtles. But I grew up in the heyday of these guys, and they're just a guilty pleasure for me. So there. As a rabid Donny fan, a lot of my stories focus on him, but I try to hit all the guys equally. I also write Lord of the Rings fiction under BrighidOtheShire, if you're interested. As with every writer on, I really enjoy feedback, so feel free to review. Also, if there is a storyline that you would like to see, I'm always up for a challenge. I actually enjoy having plot bunnies gnawing my leg off at the shin. And none of this belongs to me, sadly enough. If it did, I wouldn't have to be embarrased about being a grown woman with a turtle hobby. 'Cause I'd be rich. :) At the moment, I am thoroughly disenchanted with . It refuses to let me upload any documents to update my stories, no matter what I try. So if anyone has a fix for me, PLEASE let me know. Otherwise, I will disappear... :( |