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![]() Author has written 14 stories for Bridge to Terabithia, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Parodies and Spoofs, Kings, and NCIS. AAH! There's something invading my personal bubble! It's big, scary, and mandatory!! It's school, people. Sadly, I am still young enough to have term starting now. So everything will probably be slower. I'm so sorry; but I can't help it! But I'll still be working as hard as I can, but I don't want to rush and have a bunch of crappy chapters. Hello! My name is Caria. No, that isn't my real name. It's an alias, one I always use on the Internet. I welcome you to my sight, hoping that if you're here you are here to read some fanfiction, or see my page to folllow me into the other depths of the internet. A few things about me. I am very Impersonal on the Internet. I do not wish for you to follow me into my modern-day life, sorry but it's just rather creepy. However, feel free to talk to me online by the use of PM's or comments. I am always very busy. Don't freak if I don't write for a week or two. I'm so, so sorry and I know I'll lose a lot of followers that way, but I digress. I just have far too much to do. Hmm...what else? I am a Christian writer, so I will not be writing slash/incest/overly mature content as I do not want to seem anything otherwise. Okay then! Now that all the boring stuff is over with, we can get down to it! UDPTATE!- I'm going to list my stories, priority wise. So if you're waiting for something at the bottom of the list, I'll try to get to it, but... :( ~When the King Fails ~The Trials of Harry Potter ~DADDY! ~Breathe Today ~Evermore Also, I'm having some major attack plot bunnies, so who knows when I'll get these done, but I'll put them here so they don't go away. ~Why Zuko Should Wear Clothes to Bed- Basically, Sokka is drunk and walks into Zukos room while he's asleep. And won't get out. Zutara K plus, maybe T ~Provoking Darkness- This sounds scary, but it's a crack Rangers Apprentice story based on New Moon. Basically, Aruelen has run out of coffee, so Gilan tries to get Morgarath to kill him. K plus ~-unnamed- -Whatever this is, it's about Neville being adopted by Voldemort and trained to fight Harry in the Final Battle. I don't know if Light or Dark will win in this one. K plus ~You want me to do WHAT!- Its going to be crossover, Rangers Apprentice/Avatar/Eragon. Theres a serum that makes you do what the other person says, and some of our favorite characters get their hands on it. Sorta like Truth or Dare...except no chicken. T MY PAIRINGS Pairings I like- Harry Potter- Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Draco/Hermione, Voldie/Bellatrix, Scorpius/Lily, James Potter/Lily Evans NICS- Tony/Ziva, Gibbs/Shannon, Abby/McGee Avatar- Zuko/Katara, Aang/Katara, Zuko/Mai, Sokka/Suki Ranger's Apprentice- Will/Alyss, Horace/Cassandra, Gilan/OC Favourite Movies- Monty Python and the Holy Grail, both Chronicles of Narnia movies, Harry Potter series, Stardust, Pheobe in Wonderland, Man In the Iron Mask (Leo DiCaprio. Need we say more?) He's Just Not That Into You, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, Pirates of the Carribean, the Litte Vampire; the Princess Bride, Labyrinth Favourite Books- Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling; Chronicles of Narnia Series by C.S. Lewis; New Moon and Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer; Shadowmagic by John Lenahan; the Eye of the Dragon by Stephen King; the Da Vinci Code by whoever...xD; Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flannigan About THE NOVEL: One of the main reasons I will not update is cause of a little place called Caracadia. There is where my 28ooo word, 75 pages (so far) story takes place, and a good 5o percent of my brain is permanently there. Hence, not very inact with the rest of the world, haha. (\_/) If you have ever tripped in thin air, paste this on your profile. If you have watched Dora the Explorer or Barney in the last year, for any reason, paste this on your profile. If you have seen the new Prince Caspian movie paste this on your profile If Abocrombie and Fitch told people it was uncool to breathe, 98 of teenagers would be dead. If you are one of the 2 that are laughing at them for being so stupid, paste this on your profile. If you are one of the ones that realized Ben Barnes has been in more movies/shows than just Prince Caspian, paste this on your profile. Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929, The Astrology Nerd, brown-eyed angelofmusic, piratesswriter/fairy to be, The Gypsy-Pirate Queen, loop-de-loop-ride, wfea, PotterPhan21, Tansiana, Narnia's Protector I have a one-time gift. A beautiful gift that many people are ridiculed for in today's culture. A precious gift that many people throw away. It's called "virginity", and I plan to not waste it on some jerk of a boyfriend who's just gonna dump me later. I choose to be faithful to my future husband, the man who will love me for the rest of my life, and to wait for the wedding day!! If you have chosen to save your one-time gift and are PROUD of your purity, paste this into your profile and add your name to the list: Dearheart, Narnia's Protector Favorite Quotes Narnia Quotes Lucy-oh my gosh, he's so cute! Reepicheep- WHO SAID THAT? Lucy- Er...sorry. ~Prince Caspian Peter- tears shirt and wraps around branch Does anyone have matches? Edmund- No...but I have this takes out torch Peter- You could have mentioned that before! ~Prince Caspian Aslan-If you were any braver, you'd be a lioness ~Prince Caspian Nerd- What's your name? Susan:...Phyllis! ~Prince Caspian Mr. Beaver- Never heard of...Aslan...oh, you're a cheeky one, aren't you? ~LWW Tumnus- He is, of course, not a tame lion. ~LWW Caspian- There seems to be a dragon on the beach. Reepicheep: Sire, if I may... Caspian: NO, Reepicheep, you may not attempt single-hand combat with it! ~1950s version of Dawn Treader Quotes From Me and my Friends SQUEE!!-Helena Of course he's real! In my heart... ~Julia, on Edward Cullen Leah- You're a nerdfighter? Me- hoohah All- squeeeeeee Nice gum- My English teacher He's hot! And he has an awesome sword! And... he's hot! ~Maria on Ichigo from Bleach We're...off to the mental institute! Tralalala la laaaaaaa! ~Me and Sam Hun, come on. Real men don't sparkle.~Me, consoling Julia after she saw Twilight for the first time. "I think we're in Narnia!" "Heck of a big backyard ya got here" ~My little babysitting charge, who loves playing Narnia in her backyard. "Get this moron with a large stick off of me!" ~Me, quoting my character Cedric "Most people say guns don't kill people; people kill people. That's not true. If I held out my hands and went BANG, it wouldn't do anything, would it!" -Sarah, with dizzying logic. "IT'S A SWAN!!" -Leah, at 5:30 in the morning "Okay,okay...HE DID IT!" -my brother "You can't prove ANYTHING!" -my brother again "Realism is a pessimist's optimism"- me, in a deep discussion with Julia "To err is human; to be perfect is God"- Not really sure where it's from "I saw you and I just...wow just started sobbing!" "..."- Carly and I "I was a cute baby, ja?" "GET OUT OF MY HEAD MOMIJI!"- me, with a nod to Fruits Basket "Wait for it, wait for it..." "AAAAAAAH!" "There we go!"- Katie and I watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail "You could kill me" "I don't have to." "You could hurt me" "I don't need to" "You could get out of my room" "I don't want to"- my cousin and I, cosplaying Sokka and Zuko "You might lose that hand if you don't move it" -my cousin "He looks like a chicken with hair!" "CHICKENS HAVE HAIR!?"- me and Leah "SEMPER FI!" "DO OR DIE!"- me and Leah "I TOLD YOU I WAS LIVING IN YOUR TRASHCAN!" -my brother "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells- Theadore Geisel Raise your hand if you aren't here- Mr. Johnson I refuse to answer that question on the account that I don't know the answer- Douglas Adams Remember- today is yesterday's tomorrow. Try and figure that one out.- Unknown Fangirls- SQUEEEEE! Cedric- Oh, gods. -Reign of Four. "I am Snapeward, the Clarinet Master!" - Me when I saw the snapeward icon "You poked me on the ab!"- my brother "I was trying to hit the soccer ball, but the panda got in the way."- me playing WiiFit "If I ruled the world...I would hang Brandon. And Josh. And Gary. And Quincey. As a start."- my friend Mac "Where have i seen you before?" "Probably at the asylum," -me and my teacher "The lefties on the rightie and the righties on the leftie!!" My overly eccentric science teacher. Funny Quotes From Icons/Tshirts/Books and other Movies "On top of my amazing sense of style? I play a mean hamonica." Fang, Maximum Ride "oops." "Oops? You nearly burnt my skin off!" Saphira and Eragon, Eldest "Careful, or you'll wind up in my novel" "Don't make me sic the flying monkeys on you!" "If Caeser were alive, you'd be chained to an oar." "A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants" "Edward Cullen (n): sexy. See also cold and sparkly" "I'd like a Cullen with a side of Hale. Hold the Jacob," "Pray tell Conor- what were you doing lying in a ditch?" -Fergal, Shadowmagic (the best book ever imho) "You mean the smaller one?" "DON'T CALL ME SHRIMP! OR SHORTY!" "...sorry..."- Fullmetal Alchemist "What is that?" "That is a pint." "It comes in PINTS?"- Merry and Pippin, Lord of the Rings "Da da da da da da da da. And really bad eggs. Drink up me hearties, yo ho!"- Jack Sparrow, PotC "You are Senior Field Agent and I am...entirely at your mercy" "As it should be," ~Ziva and Tony, NCIS "C'mon out, Peter! Come on out and plaaaay!"- Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban I tell you this, in view of...well, whoever is reading this with you. I am a NERDFIGHTER. Nerdfighters, by definition, are (duh) nerds who fight to decrease world suck by making it okay for nerds to roam the Earth in peace with the other, usually more prominent roles in society. Instead of being made of bones, tissures, and organs, we are made of 1oo percent Awesome. We fight with our protractors, calculators and tricked-out laptops to make the world a better place to live. To check out more, visit http:/// OMG! My FictionPress site is up! Here you go, peoples! http://www.fictionpress.info/~foreverwithyou To see my entry to the 'Top Ten Caption Contests' on thelionscall, go here! (it's the second one down, of Father Christmas looking like 0_o) http:///humor/caption83.cfm My current obsessions- ~The Rangers Apprentice series by John Flannigan. I love it, love it, love it! And me and my cousin are cosplaying them for Halloween . yeah, we're that cool! ~the movie King Arthur, it's so good!! ~Fullmetal Alchemist. I love Ed! He's so much better than Edward Cullen ~NCIS. Iz amazing. DISCLAIMER!- This is for all of my stories. Ahem. i do not own (insert title here). I am not making any profit from this story, except for the benifit of constructive critisism. All rights belong to (insert author/producer/directors name) and none of the original characters are mine. However, I may own any OCs that come up during these stories. Here I'd like to give a shout out to some of my buds. First of all, for Austin Gibbs, my (sort of) Beta Reader and best bud. Without you, DADDY wouldn't have been made. Also, to my favourite cousin Gilan's Apprentice, aka Eva. May your sword stay sharp! For DigoryDigsAllTheBoys, girl you rock! And for everyone reading my stories, you all are so amazing. Thank you, you guys make me feel loved like crazy. God Bless! ~Narnia's Prtoector |