![]() Author has written 24 stories for Code Lyoko, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Shaman King, Mega Man, Teen Titans, Black Cat, Code Geass, X-Men, Inuyasha, D N Angel, Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club, My Little Pony, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Soul Eater, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. Hi there! I'm a big fan of adding a new character as a variable into TV shows I've seen. (Hence Karen in my Code:DREAM story?) The TV shows I've yet to idolize on my account are: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Pokemon Naruto Shippuden YuYuHakusho Soul Eater My hybrid story is completely my own idea. I'll be removing TV show names from the list as I finish them. Oh - just two warnings for readers: 1) I've worked out a system for how I plan to update my stories. See, I need to make sure I'm updating all my stories as well as getting driving practice in. So, I'll add a new chapter to, say, my DNAngel story, over five days, then to, uh...my Megaman fanfic over the weekend, then Naruto for five days, etc. And, depending on just how much time I can spend on the computer, I might not post for a while. As I complete fics, I'll increase my count to more like a week on a fic. 2) I follow episode listings pretty closely, because it's easier for me to do that. It DOESN'T MEAN I OWN THE SHOW!! It just means I'm using the episodes to help me keep track of my own storyline. Favorite Quotes: Joey: "Uh, Yug? That Underdog card? You said it reminded you of someone." Pharaoh: "I did? ...Oh, yes. Uh... A little help here?" (Pharaoh switches places with Yugi) Yugi: "Oh, that's really mature, Pharaoh!" From Yu-Gi-Oh! Grand Championship, after Yugi got them out of the Kaiba Dome. (It's hilarious when they do quick switches like that, leaving the other in the dust!) Kaiba: "From the look on your face, I'd say my future looks pretty good!" From Yu-Gi-Oh! Grand Championship, when Ziegfried (spell?) used a monster's ability to look at the top three cards of Kaiba's deck and came up with three Blue Eyes White Dragons. Kaiba: "What are you looking at? You think I'm gonna let you change my mind? I am not flying to Egypt! Look at me. I'm talking to some gold antique eyeball." From Yu-Gi-Oh! Dawn of the Duel. Kaiba's talking to the Millennium Eye. XD Pharaoh: "His name is Seto, and five thousand years ago he fought bravely by my side to save Egypt. And I also learned that his father and my father were brothers!" Kaiba: "Are you saying we're cousins?" From Yu-Gi-Oh! Dawn of the Duel, after the Pharaoh was forced to duel Seto. Kaiba: "When are you geeks gonna stop giving that lame friendship speech?" Tristan: "I'd say, when you stop pretending everything's a magic trick!" (Kaiba stays silent) Joey: "And you can't deny this one! I mean how do you explain the fact that there are two Yugis standing here?" Kaiba: "Maybe there is some truth to this junk." Joey: "Huh? Hey guys, did you just hear what I heard? Kaiba just admitted this is all real!" Kaiba: "Nice try. I said this is all a mind trick." From Yu-Gi-Oh! Dawn of the Duel. I love this part - he admitted that magic was real, then decided to turn right around and contradict Joey! XD You notice that all these quotes are from Yu-Gi-Oh!, right? Well, I've just finished watching the series. You'll know when I've started marathon-watching another TV show, because I'll add other quotes. Maybe. |