Author has written 2 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Hey just hafta say major buffy fan here. And ya know b/f is great but seriously I have found b/t amazing and felt I needed to contribute to both so here goes my sad attempts at renduring the beautiful. Hehe...don't hate me. Ohh and thank you to all my friends who listen to me blather on like and know who you are. Thanks to all who have reviewed I hope you like how the story is beginning to twist. Hopefully I havn't dissapointed anyone so far..cough (aside from my grammer) But hey its not my fault. I write on the weekends and fall asleep in front of the com! You try using propper edicate at five in the morning it's not that easy. sigh If only I had a brain!!!! Just kidding. I hope you enjoy my story and hopefully I'll get another one started soon. |