Author has written 3 stories for High School Musical. So as a lot of people may have noted, The Cry for Help is up and being rewritten. I found that, after reading the story dripping with drama and unbelievable plot twists, that I really actually disliked my first version. So yeah, go and check it out. Review and tell me what you think! I made a fairly crappy youtube video for it. If you put http:// . com/watch?v=KHp1OZqGI6o You'll find it! So as some people may have noticed, I have recently cleared out a lot of my stories. It was either because I lacked in muse, or I just plainly didn't want to keep them anymore. I preserved the old Cry for Help, as you might have seen, but other than that, what I've been keeping is pretty bare bones. So I had a story on here called Letters No One Read. I recently transferred it to another screenname because... I felt like it? |
CoCoPixie134 (18) | dramalover4 (14) (2) | obsessedwithjello247 (43) |